
W.O.D. 10.10.16

TEST DAY-Record Results 

 Three rounds for time of: 
  Row 500 meters 
 12 Deadlifts: Body weight 
 21  Box jump 20/24 inch box

Community Notes: 
Join us for these two special classes this week...
Tuesday, Oct 11th Fundamentals of Nutrition at 5:30pm in the Lobby
Wednesday, October 12th- Free Mobility Class at 5:30pm in the Annex Upstairs

“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” 
 ― Mandy Hale


  1. 9:30a
    Jill H 13:23 Rx PR!
    Tori 14:07 85# SU
    Kevin H 11:22 Rx PR!!
    Mary H 13:11 135# PR!
    Karen 16:08 113# PR!
    David C 14:34 125#
    Katie M 15:14 105# 17" PR
    Meggan 15:44 145# SU
    Mark S 11:07 Rx PR!
    Jessica A 15:52 135# SU
    Rich A 10:37 Rx PR!!

  2. 6am
    Mike Sa 14:32 Rx
    Kevin B 11:50 Rx
    Manisha 14:23 Rx
    Theresa L 12:55 Rx
    Ben M 16:43 150#

    Nicole N 16:47 120#
    Matt E 14:58 Rx
    Joe C 13:35 Rx PR!
    Kate K 15:28 135#
    Megan H 13:08 Rx

    Ryan A 18:17 Rx Hex
    Seba 16:00 Rx PR!
    Joe M 15:14 125# PR!
    Karen M 15:03 145#\17"
    Pam G 11:11 Rx PR!

    Andrew C 12:20 Rx
    Matt C 12:49 Rx
    Erik 15:53 Rx PR!
    Ina 15:38 83#\17"
    Mark R 11:41 Rx PR!
    Becky 13:38 73#

  3. 4:30 Masters
    Pam V 15:56
    Theresa 15:12
    Anne B 14:45
    Therese 14:22
    Barb C :)

    Rob C 13:30 Rx
    Oscar 12:14 Rx PR!
    Alicia M 15:00 115#
    Mike R 11:29 Rx PR!
    Justin H 13:36 Rx
    Rita 17:20 93# 17"
    Sarah W 14:47 95# 16"
    Mr Intensity 15:53 Rx PR!
    Julie R 14:02 Rx
    TP 9:34 Rx
    Olan 13:52

  4. 5:30pm
    JP 10:41 Rx PR!
    Alex 15:25 100#
    Noel 16:47 95#
    Michael C 14:11 155#
    Josh P 13:02 185# PR!
    Alejandra 15:51 115#
    Giulz 11:40 Rx PR!
    Frank 17:05 185# 24"/20"
    Jill A 13:40 Rx
    Keithie 9:59 Rx PR!
    Dana D 12:42 Rx
    Ryan S 12:05 Rx PR!
    Sean S 14:10 Rx PR!
    Alona 14:45 155#
    Jen S 16:10 115#
    Laura A 13:33 Rx

    Sarina 15:35 100#
    Katie S 15:05 85#
    Chris D 11:39 Rx
    Steph C 11:17 2min bike, 1arm KB DL 44#, 17"
    Ranjith 16:37 95#
    Ravi 15:09 95#
    Danielle 14:04 135#
    Borden 14:53 Rx PR!
    Jen 14:16 55# 17"
    Jocelyn 15:50 75# 17"
    Dave N 12:55 Rx PR!
    Kris 15:42 135#
    Ashley 13:09 Rx PR!
    Nate 12:45 Rx PR!
    Bryan 17:20 105#
    Shawna 15:31 125# 13"
    Rob P 17:10 Rx
    Mike Roth 13:44 Rx PR!
    Raj 15:36 Rx
    Wendy 15:59 110#

  5. ** 6:30pm #DaveLied #Not-a-PR #NotMyFavoriteCousin

  6. #iliedtwice #itwasaPR #sawthewrongdaveonjanuaryresults
