
W.O.D. 11.9.15

Test Day -- Record Results

3 Rounds for time of 
400 Meter Run 
21 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#) 
12 Pull-ups

Compare to:

"At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end."


  1. Justin D 13:36 (band/ 44#)
    Jeff B 10:39 RX
    Kevin B 14:15 Band
    Manisha 15:31 RX
    Theresa L 13:18
    Lauren C 13:35

    Joe 11:04 PR RX
    Briana 14:10 RX
    Laura A 10:30 RX PR
    Pete 9:38 RX
    Julia 13:35 Rus35 Band

  2. 9:30AM
    Jessie 11:48 35/ghd
    Mary 15:50 18/band
    Karen 14:20 18/band
    Jackie 14:23 Rx PR!
    Bekah 13:32 rx
    Darcy 14:23 26/band
    Jill A 11:46 Rx PR!
    Jill H 15:35 35/band
    Barb 15L59 Row
    Shane 11:02 row
    Jonathan 11:29 44/green

  3. Express
    Pam 10:49rx pr
    DD 11:07rx pr
    Erika 13:43rx pr
    Mike I 13:44 35/rom
    Tim h 14:38 rr

  4. 3:30
    Sarah 16:53 pr!! 18/ row/ floss
    Shoshana 15:20 jump/floss/ 18
    Denise 15:37 rom. Pr! First pull-ups!!!
    Josh b 11:18 Rx
    Jonathan p 11:58 Rx

  5. 6:30

    Amanda 13:23 35 band
    Ashley 12:43 35 band
    Borden 13:09 6 rounds 1/2 reps 26#
    Dave N 14:39 Rx
    Michal 11:28 Rx
    Mike Cov 13:57 44 band/pu
    Rachel 11:02 Rx
    Raj 15:05 band
    Stephanie 12:15 band
    TJ 13:32 Rx

  6. 4:30/5:30
    Roman 8:51 Rx
    Karen 17:00 band
    Mike M 15:25 44#
    Meggan 14:50 PR band
    Julie 14:00 band
    Samson 10:07 Rx PR!
    Olan 12:20 Rx

    Mike Sim 10:31 Row PR!
    Alona 12:09 Rx PR!
    Jen S 11:38 Band PR!
    Patrick 12:13 Rx
    Giulia 11:46 Rx 2:00 minute PR! #crushedit
    Jim C 13:41 Rx #welcomeback PR!
    Josh P 13:27 Rx PR!
    Justin R 10:08Rx PR!
    Alejandra 16:18 26# ROM PU #welcomeback
