
W.O.D. 11.8.15

Congratulations to Lauren for getting on the leader board for her max height box jump!

Five - 2 Minute Rounds of:
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
300 Feet of Shuttle sprints (50 ft there and back 3x)
Max Rep Thrusters (95/135#)

3 Minutes rest between rounds

"Make friends who will force you to push yourself up a level."
-Steven Mehr

1 comment:

  1. Alex R 47 band 65#
    Laura 21 rx
    Sue 58 band 45

    Ashley 38 55#
    Danielle 40 55#
    Steph 51 53#
    Mr. Intensity 35 115#
    Amanda 40 53#
    Lauren 34 85#
    Jon 37 rx
    Sheila 48 55#
    Jesse 64 63#
    Scott 21 115#
