
W.O.D. 9.14.15

 Thanks to everyone who made our End of Summer Party a HUGE Success!

TEST DAY- Record Results
 5 rounds for time of: 
400 meter run 
15 Overhead Squats (65/95#)

"Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense."
- Winston Churchill

 Lots of PR's and a shake up on the Nancy Leaderboard!
 Congrats, Josh, Laura and Shane!


  1. 9:30AM
    Shane 14:21 PR Rx - Board!!!
    Kara 22:35 15#
    Chris T 22:24 55#cleans
    Jill A 16:31 PR Rx
    Jackie 19:12 65#
    Briana 20:04 55#
    Kevin 16:40 75#
    Jill H 18:48 45#
    Steph C 20:45 35#
    David C 18:47 45#

  2. Express
    Dana 17:40 55#
    Tim h 18:42 95#FS

  3. 6:00

    Rich A 16:01 Rx
    Lauren 16:52 rom
    King 14:23 rom
    Matt R 16:57 65 rom
    Justin D 20:07 15 rom
    Theresa 16:11 55
    Jamie 16:48 45
    Mike S 17:47 53
    Mike Si 15:52 75 row
    Manisha 18:36 35
    Ashley 20:00 35


    Laura A 15:27 Rx PR!
    Pete W 14:21 rom
    Jenny 16:04 200m rom
    Jon P 15:35 Rx
    Sheila 17:05 25
    Becca 18:05 55 rom
    Joe C 19:31 75 rom

  4. Jen S 18:52 65#/500m row
    Justin 18:05 rx

  5. 3:30/4:30
    Josh 13:38 Rx PR! Board!
    Jonathan 15:51 Rx PR
    Chris M 16:56 sc (200M)
    Mike I 16:20 45#
    Anne B 16:48 35#/20"box
    Ryan 16:49 Rx PR!
    Jenna 21:02 Rx
    Jen S 16:35 45#
    Alona 18:15 Rx
    Kate 20:03 35#

  6. 6:30

    Giulz 18:23 Rx
    Michal 15:24 Rx
    Manda 20:12 35
    Ryan A 18:20 row
    Raj 19:47 35
    TJ 18:38 15
    Cline 15:45 75
    Borden 17:49
    Dave 17:00 Rx

  7. 530pm:

    Shawna P. 20:39 (35)
    Mr. Intensity 22:28 RX
    Joe P. 18:12 (65)
    Laura P. 12:05 PR! RX
    Erik F. 20:07 (75 with box)
