

For time:
25 Pull-ups 
35 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10 ft)
50 Push-ups 
100 Ab-Mat Sit-ups 
50 Push-ups 
35 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10 ft)
25 Pull-ups 

“Just as we leave the effects of our work behind in results, we leave the effects of our interactions with people in their hearts, minds, and souls.” ― Henry Cloud, Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality


  1. 6:00am

    Subhan 16:23, 25 Push Rnd
    Alex 18:18 Rx
    Josh 14:48 #15
    Julia 14:26 Scaled
    Danielle 18:40, #20 Push Rnd
    Jamie 16:29 Rx

  2. 9:30

    Monica 16:21 #10, 1 AB Mat Push Up
    Larissa 19:30 #12, ! Ab Mat Push Up
    Freaky 20:07, 1 Ab Mat Push Up
    Yormen 21:20 #10 Snake up,10 Pull Up 40 Push Up
    Gordy 15:07 Volume 20-30-40-50-40-30-20
    Em 15:38 Scaled
    Gillian 18:32 #10, RR, Banded Push Up

  3. nooner
    Jackie 17:37 12 strict PU/ 12# 20# floor press
    Lauren 12:30 10# / 25 push ups
    Pam 15:04 30 push ups
    Evan 19:59 #14
    Mary 16:31 20 pull/30 WB 10# 25 push 1 AB
    Sarah 21:40 band, 15-25-35
    Edwin 17:11 35 pushup/ 35
    Keith 16:12 25 push/75 sit up
    Aimee 15:37 rx
    Shannon 17:22 35 push ups
    Dana D 17:12 30 push ups
    Ryan S 18:08 14#/ 40/30 push ups
    Meredith 18:50 scaled
    Megs 18:04 #10
    Rich 12:09 rx
    Liam 20:20 Scaled

  4. Masters
    12:11 (15/20/30/40/30/20/15; rr, 4# to 7' 17" box, incline push ups)

  5. 4:30

    Jeff- 12:06 Rx
    Nick- 18:34 Scaled
    Adrian- 18:43 Rx
    Caroline- 24:30 Scaled
    Mckenna- DID WORK
    Abby- 15:40 Scaled
    Grace 15:28 Rx
    Kristen- 17:29 Scaled
    Karen- 16:58 20/30/40/100/40/30/20 Snake Pushups


    Seth 19:10 Scaled
    Sandra 13:32 Scaled
    Rakshit- 23:25 14#WB 30 Pushups
    Danielle C- 21:32 Scaled
    Sai- 21:30
