
Athlete Spotlight - Lauren Taylor

Congratulations to Lauren Taylor on qualifying for the CrossFit Games 2024

- Neuromuscular division -

How do focus on such a major event? Did you have a strategy to manage the stress?

I believe that the key to success is focusing on what I can control versus what I can't control. This is something that I discuss with my PT (Danny Singles) and Aimee regularly, because living with a disability can be challenging and unpredictable. Some of the things that I can control are how I train, what I eat, how much sleep I get, and the effort I put forth. As I prepare for a competition and during the event, I avoid social media as much as possible, because it can be a source of negativity and distraction. I also try to reduce my stress by spending time with my niece and my dog, who always make me happy!

What approach did you take for the workouts? Everyday wod or a blaze of glory?
I train at a moderate intensity level of 7 to 8 on the "Perceived Exertion" scale. Before I start a workout, I do some strength and skill work to improve my abilities and performance under stress. I make my training enjoyable and fun! In competitions, I challenge my body to the maximum. This sometimes causes me to tremble, cramp, or even vomit. Competition is where I give my best effort and never hold back. I don't want to regret not pushing harder when I finish. Of course, not every workout has been flawless, and I have learned from my mistakes. I always try to avoid repeating them.

How does it feel to be ranked best in the world in your respected categories?
That is a question I have never pondered before! But now that you ask me, I feel both humbled and motivated by this achievement. As an Adaptive CrossFit athlete, I feel privileged to train at a box that embraces me and lets me work out with amazing people. Celebrating with Aimee after the CrossFit Games in 2022 was a thrilling and reflective moment. I realized how far I had come and how much I had overcome. Every year brings new challenges and competitors. I focus on what I can control and prepare myself as best as I can.

What advice can you give to community members looking to become more competitive?
A piece of advice I live by is "Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable". This means being willing to face challenges and embrace vulnerability in all aspects of life. After my accident, I had to accept the changes in my body and abilities and appreciate what I could still do. Being vulnerable can lead to amazing opportunities and growth. So my advice is to believe in yourself, be vulnerable for yourself, and enjoy the journey.

What’s next for you? Tell us what you have your eyes on in the future.
I'm thrilled to share that I have finished the Semifinals in second place, according to the unofficial results. This means that I have a high chance of getting an official invitation to the 2024 CrossFit Games as a Women's Neuromuscular Moderate athlete. This has been a goal of mine and I'm eager to compete at the highest level again. To prepare for the Games, I will be following a rigorous training program and focusing on my nutrition and recovery. I would love to have some training partners who can challenge me and motivate me along the way. If you are interested in joining me for a workout, please let me know. I appreciate all the support and encouragement from this amazing community of CFKOP! Beyond 2024, we will see where the journey takes me after September.

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