

4 sets for AMRAP 4: 
3 hang power cleans (95/135 lb) 
6 shoulder-to-overheads 
9 lateral burpees over the bar 
12 pull-ups 

--Rest 2:00 between rounds--

Community Notes:
We will be CLOSED on Saturday 12/31 and Sunday 1/1 for New Years!
We will re-open with our regular schedule on 1/2/23!

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. 

1 comment:

  1. 6:30 Dan 2+19 2+6 1+10 1+13 rx
    Missy 1+17 b1 +15 1+11 1+13 6 rom 55
    Sarah 2+9 2+7 2+ 6 2 :20 hang 65
    Julia 1+15 1+9 1+6 1+13 85 9 pullups
    ABO 2+9 2+8 2+6 2+3 65 :20 hang
