
W.O.D. 11.20.20

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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
12 Toes to Bar
12 Power Snatch (75/115#)

Rest 3:00 Minutes

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
15 GHD Sit-up
15 Hip Extensions
25ft Foot handstand Walk

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” 
– Duke Ellington


  1. 4+17 (v ups,63#); 3+30 (sit ups, superman, 1 min plank)

  2. 12pm
    Brian H 5 rx/ 3+30 rx
    Lea 4 rx/ 4+7 (shifts)
    Leigh 3+8 (ttp, 55)/ 4 (supermans, plank taps, 6# sit up)
    Mary H 3+12 (55)/ 3 good morning
    Jill H 4 (rom, 55)/ 3 (gm, hswa)
    Kevin H 3+33 (ww up x5)/ 4+12 (95)
    Pete D 4+18 (95)/ 3+7 (wwi x5)
    Anne B 4+20 (33)/ 3+15 (gm, 1:00 plank, v- up)
    Pam G 3+@3 rx/ 4 rx

  3. 6a
    Mak 3+15 (ROM TTB)/4(5wwi)
    Brian S 3+18(Rx)/4+12(16 shoulder taps)
    Jeremy D 4+20(1/2TTB+1/2VUps/95#)/3+15 HS Walk att
    Mike S 3+14 (75/Kr)/3+30 (abm/superman/5 Strict PU+Pushups)
    Kevin B 4+3 (95)/4+30 Rx
    Subhan 3+6 (95)/5+5 (abm/superman/15 Pushups)
    Greg A 3+6 (95)/4+25 (5 wwi)
    Jamie S 4+11 Rx/4+30 (5wwi)
    Mike Mel 3+2 R/5 Rx
    Jeff B 4+20 Rx/4Rds Rx
    Mike C 4+15 (75/KR)/3+30 (abm/Superman/5wwi)
    Danielle G 5 (hang/1/2ttb+1/2Vups)/3+15 (5wwi)
    Kate C 3+3 (65/KR)/5+30 (abm/superman/shoulder shifts)
    Julia C 3+8 (ROM TTB)/5Rds (abm/superman)

    Aimee 5+3 Rx/5+28 Rx
    Cate 4+15 Rx/5Rds Rx
    Natalie 4+12 (23#/KR/hang)/3+7 (1/2abm+1/2GHD/4 WWalks)
    Ben B 2+7 (95/KR)/3Rds (HS Hold)
    Jen 4rds (55/KR)/4Rds (1/2abm+1/2GHD/Plank Shoulder taps)
    Meredith 3+21 (65/KR)/4+17 (shoulder shifts)
    Dana H 3+14 Rx/3+30 Rx
    Brad 4Rds (95)/4+15 (shoulder taps)
    Karen Maley 3+14 Rx/3Rds HS Walk attempts

  4. Jenna 4 rx/ 3+17 (10' att)

    Cate 3+20 rx/ 3+34 (5 wwi)
    Tyler 5+2 rx/ 4+15 rx
    Julia 3+20 (53, kr)/ 3+42 (25 plank taps, rom, 6# wb sit up)
    Alfred 3+18 (95)/ 4+30 rx
    Annette 3+12 (55)/ 3+9 (shifts)

    Karen mas 4 (65)/ 3 (shifts)
    Laura S 3+12 (rom, 55)/ 4+ 15 (tuck, gm, hswa)
    Mike MIt 3+10 (75/ 3+10 sc
    McHugh =]
    Olan 3+13 rx/ 3+6 sc
    Micah 4+2 rx/ 5+29 rx
    Tunde 3+22 (55, ttp)/ 4+30 (ab, gm, plank)
    Remer 4 rx/ 6 rx
    Jonathan 3+1 rx/ 3+8 rx
    Megs 4+8 (55)/ 3+30 (shifts)

  5. 5:30
    Bhargav 3+20 65# rom ttb/2+30 wall walks and kick ups
    Danielle C. 3+3 45#rom ttb/ 2+30 GM wall walks
    Randy 3+16rx/ 3+4 rx
    Gia 3+5 rom ttb/ 3rx
