
W.O.D. 10.8.19


 Three rounds for time of: 
  Row 500 meters 
 12 Deadlifts: Body weight 
 21  Box jumps 20/24 inch box

CLICK HERE to compare to 7.8.19
CLICK HERE to compare to 1.2.19
CLICK HERE to compare to 4.18.19
  CLICK HERE to compare to 2016

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” 
–Og Mandino


  1. 5:15/6a PR PARTY

    Dana D 11:58 Rx PR!
    Yex 12:14 Rx PR!
    Holly F 14:36 105#
    Kevin B 11:24 Rx PR!
    Mike S 14:18 Rx PR!
    Laura S 12:41 PR (sumo DL)
    Theresa L 13:29 Rx
    Mark 12:06 Rx PR!
    Colin R 11:39 Rx
    Jamie Sp 11:14 Rx PR!
    Jeremy D 9:47 Rx PR!

    Mike M 11:26 Rx
    Danielle G 11:51 Rx PR!
    Mak 14:03 Rx PR!
    Ben M 15:09 Rx PR!

  2. jessie 13:37 rx
    mary h 14:17 135/step
    jackie 14:39 155
    kevin h 11:12rx
    marissa 12:52 rx
    kauri 11:10 125
    emily g 13:50 110
    aimee 11:27 rx
    jenna 11:29 rx pr!
    Cate 12:35 rx

  3. 1215
    Carl B 10:21 rx pr
    Pete D 11:02 rx pr
    Bridget 11:46 rx pr
    Rich a 11:56 rx
    barb B 13:23 (13", 83)
    Manisha 13:31 rx pr
    Tim H 17:08 rx pr
    Mae 15:31 (13", trap)
    Joe C 13:42 rx
    Steph C 14:25 (step ups, 155)

    Mom 14:04 (75#, 8")
    Gordy 12:31 masters rx
    Terry 14:05 (93, 13" step up/ jump)
    Cathy 15:00 (9" step up, 45#)
    Pam 11:22 rx

    Tyler 10:57 rx
    Cate 12:23 (1k c2 bike, 53 strict press, 13")
    Albert 12:42 (115)

    Donna Z 15:20 (500/400/300m row, 35#, step up to 2, 45# plates)

  4. 5:30
    Arun ??
    AMM 13:19 105#
    Braden 10:48 rx
    Jeff P. 9:23 rx
    Britt H. 15:15 115#
    Dana H. 13:40 rx
    Becky 13:00 135#
    Samson 11:30 rx PR!
    Randy 10:13 rx PR!
    Jeff H. 13:49 rx
    Andrew M. 9:57 rx
    Colleen 12:25 53# kb
    Sam B. 10:52 rx
    Bhargav 14:58 20"/135#
    Erin M. 12:55 rx PR!
    Shawna 16:37 105#/17"
    Sam F. 12:40 rx
    Siva 15:08 115#
    Keith B. 15:01 150 cal bike

    Michael C. 13:27 rx PR!
    Steph M. 15:10 115#
    Jess S. 14:44 rx
    Laura S. 15:10 44# kb/ 13" step
    Josh S. 18:35 295-185
    Kim 13:48 115#/13" PR!
    Sarah J. 16:36 115#
    Amanda W. 15:16 135#/17"
    Matt E. 16:10 rx
    Gia 14:57 rx PR!

  5. Mike R 11:14rx PR!
    Blaire 15:00,125
    Eddie 15:21,165
    Subhan 13:08rx

  6. 430
    Jess A 15:34 (80 kb dl, step up, c2 bike)
    Tunde 16:26 (155) pr
    Jill 14:47 rx
    Sean M 11:31 rx
    Roberto 1:23 rx pr
    Cory 11:45 rx
    Mike M 16:19 (175)
    Matt B 14:00 rx pr
    Jill H 13:48 rx
    Sydney 16:27 rx pr
    Chris Mc 18:25
    Micah 11:15 rx pr
    Tori 14:45 (step up, 145)
    McHugh 15:53 rx pr
