
W.O.D. 10.24.19

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
100 Ft Walking Lunge
Row 500 Meters
15 Wallballs (14/20#) to 9/10 ft

Community Note:
Tomorrow is the third week of the Open. Join us for Friday Night Lights.
The theme will be "Hot Mess Express" Come in your crazy hair and mismatched socks. The crazier, the better! Stink and Drink will be across from the gym at the Conshohocken Brew Pub.

"Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties." 
- Helen Keller


  1. 6am
    Noah S 3 rounds (‘9, 10#)
    Ben M 3+ 540 Rx
    Mike P 3+600 Rx
    Kevin B 4+50 Rx
    Mike M 4+ 100 Rx
    Mak 3+200 Rx
    Colin R 3+600 Rx
    JP 4+100 Rx
    Mark S 3+610 Rx
    Jamie S 4+25 Rx
    Meg O 3+613 Rx

    Ryan C 3+50 Rx
    Anna 2+565 8# wb

  2. 930
    Emily G 3+40 rx
    Shawn 4+305 rx

    Carl 4+6 rx
    Pam 3+600 (10#)
    Bridget 3+550 rx
    Pete d 3+100 rx
    Olan 3+100 rx
    Subhan 3 rx
    Harry 2+300 rom
    Jessie 3+135 rx
    Rich A 3+600 (slam ball 15#)
    Matt T 3+166 rx

  3. Masters
    Chris 2+550 (14#)
    Barb C 2+100 (8#)
    Barb Z 2+228 (4#)
    Cathy 2+305 (6#, squat)
    Mom 2_+154 (6#)
    Terry 3 (10#)
    Anne B 2+581 (8#)

  4. 430
    Roberto 3+365 rx
    Braden 3+600 rx
    Donna g 3 rx
    Cory 4 rx
    Ina 2+525 (10#)
    Kira 3+541 rx
    Karen m 3 rx
    Keith 3+611 rx
    Larissa 3 rx
    Mike mit 3 (14#)
    Tunde 2+609 rx
    Farrah 2+350 (50’ lunge, 10#)
    Andre 3+475 rx
    Ben b 3 rx
    Joe s 4+150 rx
    Micah 3+424 rx

    Jeff p 4+100 rx
    Andrew 4+227 rx
    Justin 4+52 rx
    Jen c 3+603 rx
    Colleen 3+100 rx
    Bhargav 3+100 (14#)
    Shawna 3 rx
    Sam b 4+25 rx
    Jess a 3+292 (50’, air squats, bike)
    Samson 3+366 rx
    Becky 3+358 rx

  5. Suzanne: 3+90 Rx
    Kim: 2+601 Rx
    Erik: 2+610 Rx
    Laura S 3+25 bike
    Sarah J: 3+75 Rx
    Jess S 3+25 Rx
    Josh Mc: 3+600 Rx
    Matt E: 3 Rx
    Matt D: 3+188 rx
    Gia: 3 Rx
    Steph C: 3 Rx
    Mike Ro: 3+ 555 Rx
    Fayth 2+ 610 10#
    Erika: 2+559 Rx

  6. Alex B: 3+75
    Danielle G: 3+400 rx
    Missy: 2+603
