
W.O.D. 7.12.19

Congrats Colleen for taking a top spot on the 2K row board!!!!


1 RM Clean and Jerk

CLICK HEREto compare to 4.8.19
CLICK HERE to compare to 1.4.19


2000 Meter Row

CLICK HERE to compare to 4.16.19
CLICK HERE to compare to 1.22.19

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." 
- Abraham Lincoln


  1. 930
    Jackie 150 pr/ 8:22
    Mary h ouchie/ 9:10 4K bike
    Larissa 75 pr/ 9:29
    Lily 120 pr/ 8:35
    Mike c 165 pr/ 8:21
    Kevin b 185/ 7:11
    Caitlyn b 115/ 8:36
    Shawn 145 pr/ 7:35
    Christine r 105 pr/ 8:47!
    Mike Roth 185/ 8:12

    Keith 275/ 7:45
    Bridget 130 pr/ 8:19
    Karen s 75 pr/ 9:42
    Britt 90/ 9:21
    Dana h 150/ 8:29
    Tim h 183/ 8:23
    Kevin h 225 pr/ 7:42
    Remer 225/ 7:53
    Barb b 60 pr / 10:49
    Steph c 105 pr/ 9:53
    Julie 150 pr/ 8:26
    Matt t 165 clean pr / 7:52.5
    Jill h 115/ 8:35

  2. roberto 185 7:39 8
    barb c 58 10:45.2
    natile 125 8:28
    chat 175 pr! 9:29.2

    alex tu 1165PR 8:22.5
    andrew m 235 7:34.7
    randy 220 pr 7:01
    marissa 145 8:38 (4k ass bk)

  3. 5:15/6a
    Yex 140# PR! 9:22 PR!
    Holly F 95# 8:55
    Mark Sp 185# 7:58
    Jeremy D 185# 7:54
    Jamie Sp 155# :)

    Chip 265# 8:24
    Julia C 115# PR! 8:34
    Brian S 185# 7:23.6
    Sam B 225 PR! 7:42
    Ben M 165 PR! 7:52.3

  4. Dan M: 205 7:45 PR
    Todd: 230 8:01
    Col: 145 7:47 2nd place on the board!
    Jess S: 105 Pr! 9:30
    Josh P: 255 Clean, casual row

    Subhan: 171: 9:47
    Molly M: 125 8:07
    Cherie: 55 9:48
    Sarah J: 135 8:50
