
W.O.D. 11.7.18


"Baseline" x3
500m Row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit- Ups
20 Push- ups
10 Pull- Ups

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.28.18
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.18.18
CLICK HEREto compare to 8.28.18

Community Note:
Join Coach Aimee TOMORROW for our Chest to Bar Clinic! 6:30pm- 7:30pm


"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."
- Harriet Beecher Stowe


  1. 9:30 AM

    Jackie H. 22:08 Rx PR!
    Mary H. 21:39 snake
    Makayla H. 20:42 Rx
    Donna G. 19:04 snake, rr
    Trini Z. 22:00,snake,rr

  2. 515, 6am, 7am

    Kevin B 14:42 Rx PR!!!
    Holly 21:13 scale, banded
    Mark S 16:36 Rx
    Jamie S 19:16 Rx
    Sean S 14:01 (1 arm banded pullup sub)
    Ben M 18:40 Rx. PR!!!
    Laura Smith 21:24, plank scale
    Theresa 18:46 ring rows
    Jaimie O 20:48 ring rows

    Ari 18:36 Rx
    Yasmin 26:26 ring rows, knee pushups
    Nikki 15:51 Rx
    Dana D 15:37 Rx. PR !!!
    Matt D 15:59 PR !!!
    Mike P 17:09 Rx
    Colleen 18:34 Ring rows, snake pushups
    Todd W 18:59 Strict pullups
    Josh P 17:59 Rx
    Meg O 20:!3, 20 pistols per round sub
    Danielle G 20:00 snake

    Emily G 21:52 band, ring rows
    Marla 15:27 Rx
    Alex B 21:51 band
    Alex L 17:41 Rx
    Jess M 19:58 scale
    JP 14:57 (ROM) (scaled himself for Bro Competition)
    Anna 19:00 band
    Joe C 22:03 Rx

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Rich A. 12:47 Rx
    Jess A. 24:43,incline pu,band(5) pull-ups
    Keith B. 16:28 Rx,ring push-ups
    Laura A. 18:03 Rx
    Jonathan T. 15:11 Rx
    Pete D. 16:41 Rx
    Cherie C. 23:15,incline, band
    Remer. 15:27 Rx
    Manisha S. 20:09,incline push-ups,PR!
    Cal A. 18:10 Rx
    Karen S. 23:00, incline,band

  4. 4:30pm
    Kevin T 17:36 rx
    Mike M 21:56
    Kevin H 16:01rx
    Raj 26:16 rx
    Ezra 27:30 5PUA/inc
    Ina S 23:11 inc/rr
    Karen M 21:35 Sn/RR
    Julie R 19:43 Sn
    Lea 18:53 Rx PR

  5. 5:30pm
    Noel 18:40rx
    Randy 20:11 Rx
    Jen H 24:46 inc/rr
    Alex Th 19:38 SN PR
    Kayla 13:46 Rx
    Adam 17:53 Rx PR
    Sam F 18:50 Rx
    Joe S 14:05 Rx
    Rekha 27:21 inc/rr
    Mike Mcn 19:10 inc/rr
    Rob C 23:00 1/2 reps (and 2/3)
    Josh M 13:17 rx
    Brian Z 15:48 10push up
    Tom 20:10 Rx
    Alona 19:07 Rx PR!

  6. Villanova
    Matt k 15:30 rx pr!
    Bri 18:11 (band, Inc) pr!
    Jaivean 20:30 (30 sq, band)
    Cate 18:28 sn pr!
    Subhan 15:52 rx
    Heather 18:19 (inc, band)

    Gia 20:33 Inc pr!
    Greg a 20:45 rx
    Kim 24:15 sn
    Ashley 26:43 (15 push, 5 pull)
    Liz 24:14 (sn, 5 pull ups) first pu!!!
    Mike c 19:47 rx
    Cline 26:58 rx
    Caitlyn 20:27 sn pr!
    Mike Roth 16:50 rx pr!
    Matt e 23:12 rx pr!
    Erik 24:06 snake ish
    Micah 14:49 rx
    Carter 21:30 (rr, band)

    Neil 20:14 rx pr!
    Greg h 22:20 rx
    Missy 22:26 (sn,5pu/ pu att) first pu!!
    Dan m 19:22 rx pr!
    Matt 27:40 (5 pu, Rom)
    Marissa 23:34 rx
