
W.O.D. 10.15.18


AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

(CLICK HERE to compare to 1.4.18)
 (CLICK HERE to compare to 1.14.18)
 (CLICK HERE to compare to 2.25.18)
(CLICK HERE to compare to 4.13.18)
(CLICK HERE to compare to 7.10.18)

To achieve longevity you will have cycles. No one gets there in one straight shot. 
-Rob Lowe


  1. 5:15a
    Theresa L 16+5 Rx PR
    Jeremy D 19+8 Rx
    Anna L 18 Rx
    Mike San 12+13 Inc pushups (box)
    Mark Sp 14+3 Rx PR!
    Ben M 13 Rx PR!
    King 19 Rx PR!
    Kevin B 18 Rx PR!
    Susan A 11+11 Rx PR!
    Ellie 10+6 Rx
    Sean S 22+28 Rx PR!
    Jaimie O 13+5 RR/inc pushups (box)
    Jamie Sp 16+10 RR

  2. 930
    Braden 18+13 rx
    Barb z 10 (rr, pu, sit up, squat)
    Mary h 12 snake pr!
    Jackie h 11 rx pr!
    Chris r 10 (rr, snake)
    Jess a 10+15 (10 sit ups, band)
    Jonathan 20+10 rom
    Tori 11+9 (squat to ball, band push up)
    Jill h 12+9 (snake, pu rom)

  3. 6a
    nikki 18+3 rx
    matt d 14+18 rx PR!
    colleen b 13+13 pu/rr, snk/inc
    meg o :)
    todd w 10 strictPUrom
    Manisha 10+3 Rx PR
    mike p 13+5 rx

  4. 7a
    brian b 20+17rx
    alex l 15+10 rx
    kat b 8+15 inc/bndstrict
    anna c 12+21 bnd/inc
    raj 7+3rx

  5. 12:15p
    matt t 14+20 Rx PR
    kevin t 17+6 rx
    Meredith h 12+2 ROMpu/Snk
    jen h 9+8 bnd/inc
    randy m 13+14rx
    cal a 12+3 rx
    Cherie 11+5 bnd/inc
    rich a 22+11 rx PR
    Pete d 21+4rx

  6. 330
    Mak 12+7n (7rds band, 5 rr)
    McHugh 11+7 (band pull and push)
    Holly F 11+13 (Band, snake)
    Frank M 20+2 rx
    Micah 18 rx

    Andrew M 28+5 rx
    Jilla 18+9 rx
    Lucille 10 (rr, band push)
    Mike M 12+3 snake
    Alex Tu 9+9 (rr, snake pu)
    Nicole M 15+ 10 (rr, snake)
    Chase 11 (rr, knees)
    Dan 11 rr
    Amy B 14 (rr, snake)
    Karen M 15+5 (rr, snake)
    Possum 23 rx
    Jenna 13+13 rx
    Lea 13+10 rx

    Alona 12 rx
    Steph Mc 11+7 rx
    Mike C 15+22 (rom sn)
    Matt B 8+10 rx
    Josh Mc 28 rx pr
    Brian Z 16+1 rx
    Chris 18+15 rx
    Matt E 10_ 3 rx
    Joe S 17+2 rx
    Cory 19+15 rx
    Adam R 12+ 7 Rx
    Alex Th 15+23 sn pr!
    Kate Sp 14+15 sn pr!
    Mike R 19:29 rx
    Tom 17+15 rr

  7. 6:30

    Gia 12+5 🐍
    Liz 9+17 band 🐍
    Kim 11+12 band 🐍
    Greg 14+5 🐍
    Jen C 14:10 🐍
    Jeff P 22 Rx
    Erik 10+1 🐍
    Caitlyn 11:21
    Stephanie C 14+7 🐍
    Cline 9+8 knees

  8. 7:30
    Alan 11+5 (bar rows, wall PU, 24" squat)
    Marisa 10+2 PR!
    Garrett 11+20 Rx
    Noel 17+2 PR! Rx
    Neil 11+10 Rx
    Greg 15+5 Rx
    Alex 12+11 (8 rnds: 3 PUA / 4 Rnds: RR, snake)
    Missy 12+14 (3 PUA, snake)
    Mae 13+12 PR! (RR, snake)
    Amanda 10 PR! (RR, knee pu)
