
W.O.D. 6.30.18

Your choice:

3 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
12 Pull-ups


(Big bootie Helen)
3 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex.
Meet and part at 110C DeKalb.

Join Tori TODAY for a special Yoga class upstairs in the Annex at 11:00 AM.

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. 
- Hans Selye

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Ryan M 10:26 Rx
    Jeff H 13:00 Rx
    Matt E 14:44 Rx
    Erika 13:37 7pu
    Chak 13:50 40
    Phani 13:27 44
    Dave M 16:09 35 band
    Matt D 15:19 55 rus


    Ally 15:51 jpu
    Ron 13:20 Rx
    Megan 13:20 Rx
    Paul 17:11 55 XL
    Pete 23:57 XLRx
    Steph 14:03 row/band
    Mike Ro 17:01 XL 53
    Mai 16:18 bus/rr
    Cam 28:27 XL 50/band
