
W.O.D. 12.28.17

30 Bar MU for time

compare to (9.27.17)

Cash out:
50 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)
50 Burpees 

“Be fearful of mediocrity.”
-Jonathan Ellery


  1. 830
    Aimee 5:59rx/ 4:50rx
    Gordy 7:34rx/ 6:22rx
    Jp 13:08rx/ 6:09rx
    Laura a 9min of att/ 5:07rx
    Cate/ Jenna 7:52 bmua, 5:54rx/ 6:41rx

  2. 9:30 AM
    Brian R 7mins/ 30 PU band / 8:40 14# ROM
    Nicole 7 Rds 7 mins / 5 RR/5 seated press 15# DB/ 4:40 25 cal row/ 25 squat 17"
    Ina 30 PU 6 mins/ 7:51 10#
    Kevin 6:50 Rx/ 6:15 Rx
    Mary Kip swing practice 10 mins/ 8:07 12#
    Jill H C2B Attempts 8:25/6:29 Rx
    Meggan Le C2B band 5:53 7:57 10 lbs
    Mark S 12 banded bar MU in 10 mins/7:03 Rx
    Karen S 30 PU 6:00/6:33 12#
    Julie 30 PU 7:28 /7:49 rx

  3. 6:00/7:00
    Anelo 4:57 rx/ 4:28 rx
    Justin 19 rx 12 mins cap 4:32 Rx

    Anna 4:55 scale 9:34 last 20 PU
    Kate C 25 @ 12 min cap band 7:59 rx
    Laura smith 3:57 short bar PR 7:22 rx
    Brianna 5:56 cash out rx

  4. 12:15pm
    Alex T 3:10pu/ 7:57rx
    Holly F 5:00pu,band/ 8:11rx
    Alex P =]/ 7:56rx
    Matt T 8:00pu/ 8:37rx
    Connor =]/ 8:51 (6#)
    Matt B Practice/ 8:02rx
    Pam G 7:36rx/ 4:37rx
    Dana d 10:11rx/ 5:43rx
    Pete D 4mu/ 6:22rx
    Rich A 5:16rx/ 6:38 rx+ 30#
    Mark stipa 7:40rx/ 6:42rx
    Joe M Practice/ 6:42 (14#)** First MU
    Bryan S 10:39rx/ 7:38rx
    Cherie 3:50pu band/ 8:50 (10#,35 burpees)
    Tim H 30pu/ 2:43 50wb
    Jessie S 30pu/ 6:15rx
    Carl 7mu (first)/ 5:37 (18#)

    AMRAP in 8
    5 pull ups
    5 wb (10#)
    5 burpees

    Anne B 4+1 (mf band) **First TTB!
    Terry J 6

  5. Keith 6:50rx pr!/ 5:10rx
    Joe T 5:28rx pr!/ 6:28 rx
    Remer 5:12 rx pr!/ 4:48 rx
    Danielle 5:19 kip swings/ 5:39rx

    Caitlyn 5:04 30pu/ 8:05 rx
    Julia D 6:15 30pu/ 7:58 rx
    Chris S 2:54 20 pu/ 6:28 rx
    Ben T 10mins bmu pactice/ 7:48 (50cals bike)
    Manisha 10mins bmu practice/ 7:46 rx

  6. 6:30/7:30p
    Tori C 14JMU(low bar) 7:19 10#wb/25cal air bike
    Sean S 10mins BMU practice 6:40 Rx

    Erika :)
