
W.O.D. 12.27.17

Take 20 Minutes to work up to a 5 RM Deadlift.


3 Rounds for time:
21 Calories - Row
15 Body-weight Deadlifts
9 Body-weight Squat Cleans

(time cap 15:00 minutes)

“Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.”
-Jim Rohn


  1. 515, 6, 7am

    Some early morning heads chose to finish the wod if they were close and we had time.

    Ben M 205, cap (17:15) 115#
    Manisha 185, cap (15:19 75#
    Mike S 235, 13:55 @95#

    Theresa 185, cap
    Dana D 200, cap (20:18)
    Angelo 365, 11:50 Rx
    Justin C 365, 14:07 Rx

    Aimee 250, 13:26 Rx
    Anna 200, 14:59 75#
    Jess M 145, cap (2 left) (85#)
    Holly 135, 14:40, (65#)
    Ellie 198, cap (15:07 115#)
    Brian S. 275, 14:55

  2. 9:30 AM

    Dianne McD. 115#,2 rnds 45#
    Caitlin V. 185#,13:30 85#
    Matt B. 375#,14:43 135#
    Sydney H. 160#,2+10 85#
    Jill H. 215#,13:16 95#
    Danielle G. 205#,13:59 105#
    Jackie H. 255# trap,11:10 15 cal run+155 DL+44# goblet squat
    Danielle L. 175#,2+39 115#
    Cline. 285#,12:18 105#
    Steph C. 185#,12:51 65#
    Kate M. 195#, 11:45 85# power cl
    Katie M. 185#,14:11 85# power cl
    Julie R. 225#, 12:52 90#
    Edwin L. 315#, 8:30 135# no sq cleans
    Mary H. 195#, 12:47 65#
    Kevin H. 375# PR!, 12:41 135#
    Laura S. 225#, 11:39 75#
    Mark S. 305# PR!, 11:25 135#
    Emily A. 85#, 13:50 65# 5 sq cl

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Pam G. 245#,2+9 Rx
    Tim H. 335#,12:34 115# HPC
    Matt T. 215#, 2+40 85#
    Lauren D. 11:05 bike,pull-ups, pp
    King 245, 10:53 95#
    Byrnsie. 300#, 14:02 145# pwr HPC
    Pete D. 300#, 13:11 115#
    Rich A. 405#, 13:35 Rx
    Alex T. 185# PR!, 2+39 75#
    Kevin T. 215#, 14:30 115#
    John McH. 300#, 14:23,125#
    Jess A. 205# PR!, 14:57, 85# pwr cl
    Karen S. 155#, 14:00 55#

  4. I got my weight for the squat clean wrong. 95lbs, not 85. Thx!

  5. 430
    Mike m 295/ 14:25 (95)
    Karen m 225/13:56 (95)
    Mike r 345 pr/ 14:24 rx
    Chris s 320 pr/ 14:32 (155)
    Kate s 145 pr/ 15:06 (85)

    Sean 405 pr/ 14:12 (135)
    Esra 225/ 15:03 (95)
    Gia 145/ 14:34 (65)

    Mike Roth 285 pr/ 13:02 (135)
    Bryan 245/15:46 (125)

    * all times denoted as cap+ reps

  6. 5:30
    Alison T: 213/2+
    Mariana: 205 PR! /2+42 (95)
    Steph M: 195 PR! / 14:44 (85)
    Samson: 245 / 2+33 RX
    Keith: 315 / 12:56 RX
    Julia D: 175 2+41 (75)
    Kat: 175 PR! 2+ 16 cal (65)
    Cait B: 205 PR! 14:38 (75)
    Laura A: 220 / 2+16 (105)
    Stavros: 350 14:!7
    Josh S: 275 2+14 RX
    Erika: 185 14:45 RX
    Nicole M: 215 PR 14:39 (75)
