
W.O.D. 9.14.17


Cash out:
For time:
400 Meter Run
20 Burpees to a plate
10/7 Calories Air Bike
50 Double Unders

(time cap 10:00)

Community Notes:
Join us tonight as we welcome Jason and Roz for the "Own Your Eating" Seminar at 6:30PM. 

All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110C DeKalb, please meet and park there. 

“Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.”


  1. 6am
    Angelo 135 4:02 Rx
    Katie m 70 8:29rx
    Kevin b 125 4:06Rx
    Ellie 83 5:28rx
    Mike s 95 5:39rx

    Derin 125 cap (all but about 25DU)
    Dawn 55 8:42(3x su)

  2. 9:30
    Jonathan 205 4:53 Rx
    Julie R 75 7:30 rx
    Jackie 110 7:14 rx
    Mary H 80 6:51 rx
    Manisha 60 5:57 rx
    Jill H 90 6:27 rx

  3. 12:15/ 1:00 Masters/ 4:30 PM
    Rob C 165 6:35 rx
    Tim H 110 PR
    "WOG" 125 6:45 rx
    Meredith 75 6:58 25 DUA
    Matt T 95 "longer than Kevin"
    Kevin T 130 5:18 Rx
    Mike Sim 194 PR! 4:57 row
    Dana D 100 PR 5:11 rx
    Pete D 120 PR 9:25 25 DU
    Nicole M 85 PR 7:25 25 DUA
    Rich A 198 3:43 rx

    JP 4:27 rx
    Pam 4:20 rx

    200M Run, 15 burpees to a plate, 7/10 cals 25 DU or 75 singles
    Ina 40 4:48
    Dad 65 6:17
    Mom 35 7:49
    Sharon 48 7:17
    Terry J 58 5:53 ski
    Barb C 45 7:32
    Anne B 55 5:29

    Remer 170 PR 3:43 rx
    Giulia 132 5:09 rx
    Jill A 135 PR 5:32 rx
    Mark S 145 5:08 rx
    Ryan S 135 4:35 rx
    Donna 72.5 PR 6:00 25 DUA
    John Mc 121
    Dave H 165 PR 4:13 rx

  4. Lucille 60, 10:00 cap (5 dubs left)
    Josh 145 3:37
    Paige 80 7:40
    Keith 235 4:48
    Alicia 95 5:02
    Katelyn 155 (5 backsquats) 8:30
    Allison T 123, 7:33
    Kat 60 PR! 10:51 500m row, 25 dua
    Alona 85, 7:29
    Adam S 125 PR! 4:40
    Kevin H 65 (skill, dropping under) 4:48
    Laura S 90, 8:28

    Gia 70 PR! 8:45
    Caitlyn 70 PR! 7:30
    Danielle 105 PR! 5:56
    Marissa 90 4:53
    Heleen 80 7:02
    Jess A 75 10:00 cap, 500m row 10 dubs
    Brandon 145, 6:17
    Sarmad 100 8:03
    Erik 145 8:20
    Tia 115 7:44 1/2 dua
    Dave N 180 6:23
    Kris 105 8:23
    Raj 135 6:52
    Esra 75 7:09
    Steph C 75 7:03 25 dubs

    Brian S 145 6:24 dua
    Noel 145 PR! 7:23
