
W.O.D. 11.7.16


In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute for three rounds. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. 
 The stations are: 
 1. Wall-ball: 20/14 pound ball, 10/9 ft target. (Reps) 
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75/55 pounds (Reps) 
3. Box Jump: 20" (Reps) 
4. Push-press: 75/55 pounds (Reps) 
5. Row: calories (Calories)

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," or the sound of the buzzer the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.


Community Notes: 


Monday, 11/7 at 4:30-8:00 PM, join Kettlebell Kitchen in the Main gym for FREE food sampling.

 Wednesday, 11/9 at 5:30 PM, join Shawna for a Free Mobility Class at in the Annex Upstairs.

Thursday, 11/10 at 6:30PM, join Dr.Turner for "Myth Busters", he will be giving a lecture and answering questions about health and wellness and de-bunking some common myths.

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”
~ Edward Stanley


  1. 6/7am
    Jason L 225 Rx
    Angelo 331 Rx
    Theresa 274 Rx
    Ben M 213 (14#wb)
    Kevin B 278 Rx
    King 284 Rx
    Mark Sp. 271 (17"box, 45#SDHP, 12#wb)
    Matt Ry. 211 Rx
    Manisha 222 (50#pp/sdhp, 12#wb)

    Megan Haas 250 Rx+.......20#wb
    Matt Erb 279 Rx
    Paul D 261 Rx
    Kate K 218 Rx

  2. 9:30a
    Kevin H 233 Rx PR!
    Jackie H 267 Rx PR!
    Tori 231 10#wb/53
    Mary H 224 12#wb/45 PR!
    Karen S 248 12#wb to 8ft/35#
    David C 236 14#wb/55#
    Edwin 188 Rx
    Emma 204 8#wb/35
    Taylor S 223 10#wb/35PP/26kb
    Lauren C 208 10#wb

  3. Seba 218 8, 35RKBS, 33
    DD 277 RX
    Mike Si 308 RX
    Nicole R 228 8,35, 12"
    Meredith 185 55
    Ina 176

  4. Masters ( step up/KB sdlhp/DB pp)
    Pam V 162
    Barb z 242
    Barb c 193
    Therese 224
    Teresa 263

  5. Karen m 250 step up
    Oscar 267 Rx
    John Mc 293 35# FS.
    Mike m 214 55#

  6. 5:30
    Mike R 292 Rx
    Mark S 251 Rx
    Ashley M 228 Rx
    Raj 242 Rx
    Patrick 295 Rx
    Josh P 250 rx
    Twinnie 296 45#
    Alex 242 35#/10#
    Shawna 184 PR
    Melissa 209 10#/35#
    Frank 219 rx
    Andrew C 303 Rx
    Laura A 322 Rx
    Keara 193 55/43/35 14#/10#

  7. 4:30

    Olan 236 Rx
    Giuls 259 Rx
    Alejandra 180 12# 45#
    Josh 302 Rx
    Ryan S 232 Rx
    Rita 179 17"
    RichA 339
    Regi 247 Rx
    Alicia-Marie 228 Rx
    Maggie 305 Rx
    Jackie 184 Rx

  8. 630

    Anvesh 169 sc
    Esra 226 35#
    Wendy 178 Rx
    Marissa 218 Rx
    Jenna 232 Rx
    Danielle 274 Rx
    Jen S 291 45#, 10# wb pr!
    Steph C 334 sc
    Matt B 240 Rx
    Michal 265 Rx
    Dave N 306 Rx Pr!
    Cline 272 Rx
    Mike Roth 221 Rx pr!
    Nate 209 Rx

