
W.O.D. 11.8.16

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
21 Kettlebell Swings 35/53#
15 Toes to Bar
9 Handstand Push-ups

Community Notes: 
 Wednesday, 11/9, join Shawna for a FREE Mobility Class at 5:30pm in the Annex Upstairs. On Thursday, 11/10 join Dr.Turner for "Myth Busters", he will be giving a FREE lecture and answering questions about health and wellness at 6:30pm.

“A wise man understands, an intelligent man knows, but a fool pretends to know.” 
 ― Debasish Mridha


  1. 6am
    Mark 4+21 (35kb,25press,KR)
    Manisha 2+44 (3ab)
    Kevin 3+33 RX

    Alex 4+27 (35kb,1ab)
    Laura P 4+33 RX
    Lauren 3+36 (25 l- sit, kr)

  2. 9:30a
    Tim P 3+5 Rx
    Pam G 4+19 Rx
    Dana D 4+18 Rx
    Meggan 3+31 ROM/kickup
    Kevin H 3+23 kickups/44#
    Mary H 2+39 3abmat/rom
    Bekah 2+39 Rx
    David R 4+6 Rx

  3. Masters 1:00
    3 rds
    21 kbs or Snatch
    15 ttb swings
    9 DB presses

    Terry 8:54
    Kevin 11:08
    Anne b 11:21
    Jodilee :(

  4. 430

    Mike M 3+15 44/TTBA/30# lsit
    Olan 2+39 2abm
    Keith 4+25 Rx
    Alex 3+28 26/TTBA/15# lsit
    Katie 3+40 6hspu 3abm
    Mike R 3+9 Rx
    Regi Rx
    Brian R 3+3 44/rr/25# lsit
    Dave H 3+21 Rx


  5. 12:15
    Tim h 4+21 runs/kr/box
    Joe m 4 44rus/rom/box
    Mike Si 3+37 rx
    Angelo 3+36 rx
    Noel 2+39 35/rom/rom
    Jessie 4+9 rom/2abm
    Jill a 4+19rx
    Seba 4 26/sitpress15/rom
    Rich a 4+26 rx
    Andrew 5+10 rx
    Keara 4+21 26/2abm
    Katie 3+21 rom/30s hsh

  6. 6:30
    Collin 2+28 44/rom/1abm
    Josh 2+39 2abm
    Alexis 2+29 rom/3abm
    Nicole 2+27 25/2abm
    Alona 3+26 25sitpress
    Alan 3+28 18/situp/20sitpress
    Grey 3 rom/sitpress45
    Esra 3+1kr/ku
    Phani 2+31 35/25sitpress

  7. Rob sorry man I don't think I got your score!! Feel free to post!

  8. 730

    Mike Roth 3+31 44/25# l sit
    Dave N 3+21 2 ABM
    Neil 3+22 TTBA/ hs hold


  9. 5:30

    Mark S 4+25 2 ab
    Flounder 4+20 Rom/SP
    Giuls 4+21 Rx
    Maggie 5 Rx
    Ryan S 3+37 1AB
    Jen S 6 26#1armRUS/sit-ups/SP
    Patrick 3+28 Rx
    Laura A 3+25 (9/5/5 HSPU per round)
    Josh P 2 45# 2 AB
    Torrina 3+26 35 ROM SP
    Jen R 3+16 26# ROM SP
    Tia 3+21 ROM SP
    Alicia-Marie 3+8 2AB
    TJ 3+6 44# AB
