
W.O.D. 7.11.16

TEST DAY-Record Results 

 Three rounds for time of: 
  Row 500 meters 
 12 Deadlifts: Body weight 
 21  Box jump 20/24 inch box

Community Notes: 
Tomorrow night, 7/12 we are hosting Coach Tim's Pose Technique Running Form and Efficiency Workshop in the Annex at 6:30 PM, last minute sign ups are welcome. The cost is $25. All OPEN Strength tomorrow will be held in the main gym.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another."
—William James


  1. 6am
    Angelo 13:54 Rx
    Theresa L 12:46 Rx
    King 14:00 155#
    Danielle G 13:49 125#
    Kevin B 11:52 Rx PR!!
    Ben M 17:02 145#
    Lauren C 15:41 Rx PR!!

    Kate K 16:29 1133#
    Nicole N 17:10 Rx PR!!
    Matt E 16:57 Rx
    Briana K 16:02 Rx
    Jon P 11:51 Rx
    Greg A 14:30 Rx

  2. 9:30
    Sarah G 18:19 95#
    Katie M 18:44 85#, 17"
    Mary H 17:45 125#
    Kevin H 13:11 Rx PR!!!
    Jill H 14:17 Rx PR!!
    David C 14:32 105#

    Ina 18:28 85#
    Sarina 18:42 Rx PR!!
    Meredith 17:45 143#
    Tim H 17:05 Rx
    Pam G 11:19 Rx PR!!
    Mike Si 11:09 Rx
    Nick C 10:56 Rx
    Joe M DNF

  3. 3:30pm
    Joe C 13:40 Rx
    Julie 13:17 145#
    Keith 10:43 Rx
    Jenna 13:28 Rx
    Karen 15:36 135#
    Joe M 16:03 115#
    Mr Intensity 14:42 Rx
    Mike M 15:50 155#
    Seba 18:57 83#

  4. ***3:30pm Karen was 145# not 135#

  5. 4:30 PM
    Justin R 15:54 Rx
    Anne B 15:30 88#
    Olan 14:36 Rx
    Mike R 12:31 Rx
    Therese 19:28 123#
    Jill A 14:31 Rx
    Giulia 12:42 Rx PR!

    and congrats to Julie R from the 3:30 for hitting aPR!

  6. 530

    Mark 12:05 Rx
    Steph C 14:10 105#
    Tia 17:48 155#
    Lucy 15:56 83#\step ups
    Shawna 18:38, 115# some Stepups
    Josh P 13:42 185#
    TJ 15:05 145#
    Alejandra 15:15 115#
    Sean 16:30 Rx
    Mike F 20:15 185#
    LP 13:27 135#


    Raj 15:51 165#
    Brian 15:23 Rx
    Esra 16:52 105#
    Neil 15:18 225#
    Alona 15:45 -10# bw
    Nate 13:26 Rx
    Mike Roth 14:59 Rx
    Ashley 13:19 Rx pr!
    Kris 15:57 125#
    Mike C 13:42 135#
    Chris 11:44 Rx pr!
    Alan 15:22 95# from 6" blocks, 2 25# plate Stepups
    Borden 14:28 Rx
    Dave 13:52 Rx for fatties
    Amanda 15:09 105#


