
W.O.D. 7.12.16

AMRAP of 25 Minutes: 
15 Toes to Bar
15 Overhead Squats 95/135#
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/70#
200 Meter buddy carry 

Share the work with your partner however you choose with only one person working at a time. 
Divide the buddy carries equally.

Community Notes:
Tonight we are hosting Coach Tim's Pose Technique Running Form and Efficiency Workshop in the
Annex at 6:30 PM, last minute sign ups are welcome. The cost is $25.

All OPEN Strength tonight will be held in the main gym. 

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” 
 – Lance Armstrong


  1. 6/7am

    Mike Sim
    Jon P.........4 rounds (115#ohs) some scales

    Nick C9 5# ohs
    Justin D 35# ohs/knee raises.........4 rounds

    Dana D
    Theresa.... 4+30 (75#)

    Kevin B
    James...4 rounds scaled

    Briana K (75#)
    Kate K (45#)...........4 rounds scaled

  2. 9:30am
    Jill Hi/ Bekah: 4+8 (55/75, 53/53r)
    Steph C/ Karen S: 4+21 (T2B rom- 43/35, 35/44r)
    Katie/ Emma: 4 rounds, kr, 35/25, 35r/26) farmers carry 44#

  3. 12:15pm
    "#crushDana" (Pam/Erika) 4+57 (65, russian swings 53)
    "No comment" (Dave H/Angelo) 5+15 (95/45, kb70/53, farmers carry 1/2)
    "Sandbaggers" (Tim H/Joe M) 3+27 (farmers carry, "lots of scaled shit")
    "Let's not die today" (Denise/Meredith) 3+60 (63/33#ohs, 53/ some scale)
    "it's my first time be gentle" (Keith/Tony (welcome!!)) 4+26 (115/35#, 35#kb)
    "12:16" (Tori/Jessie) 4+2 (53#ohs, 35#kb)

  4. Masters
    Partner wod
    200 m run
    15 goblet squats
    15 kbs
    15 toes to bar

    Dad and Terry 3+35
    Mom and Diane :)

  5. Team Misfits Daniel/Panos/Meggan 4+ 52 sc
    Sweaty Dude and Good CrossFitter Julie Foucher/Mr? intensity 4+15 sc
    M^2 Josh/Alicia 5+45 sc
    J^2 Jenna/Jilla 4+50 sc


  6. 5:30
    Shawna/Alejandra 3+40 sc
    Josh P./Nicole N. 3+60 sc
    Ashley M./Lauren H. 3+45 sc

  7. 6:30pm
    Matt E/Sean: 3+45 44/70, 65/95
    Danielle/EJ: 3+60 44/65
    Mike Co/JT: 4+20 53,75
    Alan/Nooshi: 5. SU, 35R, gobsq farm carry/ SU, 13R, farm carry, puc
    Linds/Giulz: 3+60 63/35. Giulz Rx

  8. Kettlebell Mating Calls
    Dave/Cline 3+15 (OHS 115/105)
