
W.O.D. 7.10.16

Front Squat 

(Pause 2 seconds at the bottom)

Cash out
AMRAP in 7:
5 Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stone
10 Pistols (5R/5L Alternating) 

Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress. - Alfred Montapert

1 comment:

  1. Raj 205; 3+11 sc
    Ashley M 155; 4 sc
    Ellie 135; 4+10 sc
    Mike San 145; 3+6 sc

    Mr Intensity 205; 3+5 sc
    Keithie 355; 4 rx
    James form; 1 sc
    Steph C 105; 4+3 sc
    Fayth 100; 4+4 sc
    Sarah Grace 120; 4 sc
    Danielle 145; 4+8 sc
