
W.O.D. 7.9.16

For time: 
10 Bench Press (95/135#)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
(65/95#) Thrusters, max set 

Repeat the triplet until you have completed 100 reps of the thruster. 

Your score will be time and number of rounds.

Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change.
- Henry Steele Commager


  1. 7am
    Aimee 24:02 rx 5 rounds
    Giulia 25:15 65/55 5 rounds
    Rachel 29:35 rx 5 rounds
    Michal 25:41 65/55 4 rounds
    Jenna 26:20 65/45

    Chris D 20:15 115/65 3 rounds
    Mike S 31:32 75/35 5 rounds
    Mike Roth. 27:44 95 5 rounds
    Raj :)
    Danielle 21:12 45/45 band 5 rounds
    Matt C 28:55 115/85 6 rounds
    Angelo :) 95/65 7 rounds
    Ashley M 21:55 45/45 reg pu 5 rounds

    Josh M 25:29, 115/75 7 rounds
    Mariana 20:58 45/50 band pu 5 rounds
    Steph M 21:02 45/35 reg pu 5 rounds
    Meredith 25:35 55/35 band pu 5 rounds
    Justin D 29:58 95/45 band pu 7 rounds
    Kris 24:00 35/45 5 rounds
    Nicole 22:0235/35 band pu 6 rounds
    TJ 28:49 65/95 6 rounds
    Sean :)

  2. Sean 23:00 115/45 band pu 7 rounds
