
W.O.D. 9.2.15

3 RM Front Squat- TEST DAY

Time to go heavy...Warm up first then accomplish a few sets at or about 70- 80%, then work to hit a new 3 RM. 

 Cash out: 
800 Meter Run

Compare 3 RM Front Squat to (3.7.15) or (6.17.15)

Community Notes:  
Click here to check out the Labor Day Schedule.

"A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t."
-William Harrison “Jack” Dempsey


  1. 530
    #keithie 340
    Flounder 185/3:29
    Ryan S. 185/ 2:53 (3rd on the girls board!)
    Ryan A 275 (all 10s)/ 4:41
    Laura A 140
    Meredith 70/ 5:50
    Kevin 215/ 3:30
    Ben 185/ 3:18
    Stacy 135/ 7:05
    Taryn 135/ 5:18

  2. 630

    Christine W 103 Pr!! Airdyne
    Cline 205# 3:18
    Amanda 95, 3:58
    Erik 155, 3:44


  3. 9:30

    Becca 125 4:05
    Briana 145 4:09
    Jackie 155 4:19
    Jill H 125 4:17
    Ravi 145 4:01
    Scott 205 5:14


    Denise 155 4:19
    Erika 95 3:56
    Jon P 225 3:18
    Pam 140 3:01
    Shane 215 2:48


    Justin R 205 4:12
    John Mc 185 3:13
    Jonathan P 285 4:22
    Josh B 285 3:20
    Jenna 135 PR! 4:02
    Regi 180 PR! 4:12
    Lauren 130 3:50
    Borden 235 3:51
    Jess A él formé 4:32


    Gabby él formé 4:12
    Luis 245 3:42
    Linda 105? 4:52
    Sue 90 4:02

  4. Theresa: 95.5-3:29-2:32
    Mike S: form-3:31 row-1:07
    Mike S: 135-3:39-1:03
    Kevin B: 125-3:11-1:24
    Matt R: 125-2:58-2:10
    Justin: 135-4:12-1:04
    Jaime: 103-3:53-1:10

    Last time is the time spent hanging from a pull-up bar. We figured no one else would try it....6AMers RULE.
