
W.O.D. 6.4.15

Kudos to TP for crushing this workout with a blazing 11:51!

TEST DAY- Record Results

 5 rounds for time of: 
400 meter run 
15 Overhead Squats (65/95#)

Community Notes:
Click here to check out and sign up for the up coming specialty clinics with Aimee Lyons.
Monday, 6/8- Pull-up, 6/15- Handstand Push-up, 6/22 Muscle Up...all specialty clinics will occur at 6:30PM in the main gym. These are FREE for members and $25 for non-members.

YOGA today, 6/4 at 10:30 AM, join Tori in the main gym. 9:30 CREW...this one is for you!

"Great performers in all fields seem immune to what outsiders think about them. Their sense of themselves never depends on the feedback—positive or negative—they get from the environment."  --John Eliot


  1. Mike S 17:28 (53#)
    Sue K 16:25 (25#)
    Laura Alt. 17:20 Rx

  2. 9:30AM
    Scott 21:45 45#
    Jonathan 17:28 33#
    Jill A 16:50 Rx (2 Minute PR!!)
    Eileen 16:55 15#
    Mark 17:15 95# PP
    Fran 19:33 15#/row
    Heather 19:12 (4rds/row/15#)
    Tatiana 18:38 15#

  3. 12:15 Express
    Denise 17:23 PR!
    Pam 16:01 (2:30 min PR!!)
    Dana 15:33 45# (4 min PR!)

  4. 4:30/5:30PM
    Bob 22:09 15#
    Ryan S 16:55 Rx
    Regi 15:36 Rx
    Shiela 17:55 15#
    Anne 18:56 (25#/row)
    Chris M 15:43 (200 M run, 53#)
    Nick C 17:01 75#
    Sarah W 17:24 (15#/to ball)
    Roman 14:52 Rx
    Tim 11:51 PR/RX top of the board!
    Patrick 18:01 75#
    Kyle 15:52 Rx
    Flounder 18:26 65#

  5. 6:30

    Ben 17:23 75
    Michal 18:12 Rx
    Dave 16:04 Rx
    Rachel 16:25 Rx
    Christine W 20:00 15
    Terrence 16:33 Rx
    Erika R 22:10 35
    Olan 18:12 75
    Lindsey 20:22 35
    Stephanie 19:32 35
    Erik 20:18 75
    Derreck 23:10
