
W.O.D. 6.3.15

4 Rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
20 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
20 Box Jumps (24/30")

(Time cap 20 minutes)

Cash out:
Tabata Sit-ups
(use the ABmat or GHD)--Athletes Choice

Community Notes:
Click here to check out and sign up for the up coming specialty clinics with Aimee Lyons.
Monday, 6/8- Pull-up, 6/15- Handstand Push-up, 6/22 Muscle Up...all specialty clinics will occur at 6:30PM in the main gym. These are FREE for members and $25 for non-members.

YOGA tomorrow, 6/4 at 10:30 AM, join Tori in the main gym. 9:30 CREW...this one is for you!

All the great performers I have worked with are fueled by a personal dream.
- John Eliot


  1. 6am

    Brian H 20:03 sc
    Shari 19:57 bnd, 26#, 20
    Ashley 20:01, rr, 18#, 20"
    Sheila 20:17, rr, 18#, 17"
    Justin 21:23, bnd, 44", 24"
    King 19:07, 55#
    Sue 16:57, bnd, 26#, 17"
    Jeff B 20:28 Rx

    1 second added for every rep not completed


  2. 630pm

    Keith 20:37 Rx
    Conn 20:55 53#
    Cline 21:12 55#, 24"
    Ryan 21:27 24"
    Alejandra 19' 10 pu, 26#, 20"
    Steph C 16:44 bnd, 35# Russ, 20"
    Fayth 20:50 bnd, 44# Russ, 20"
    Lauren H 21:05, rr, 35#, 17"
    Christine W 21:13, rr, 26#, 13"
    Alison B 20:51, rr, 35# Russ 13"


  3. 730

    Dave N 21:50 bnd
    Rachel 21:03 Rx
    Linda 21:00, bnd, 44#, 20"
    Pith vi 24:00, bnd, 35#, 20"


  4. 9:30

    Jen F 19:51 18rus rr step
    Jonathan 19:15 53 band
    Eileen 20:10 RR 35 step
    Meggan 21:14 26 band
    Jackie rus 20" rr/pu
    Matt B 21:37 Rx
    Anne B 20:22 13" 35 RR
    Manisha 21:06 35 20" band
    Scott R 22:09 20" band
    Jill A 20:48 Rus
    Jill H 21:40 Rus band


    Dana 19:47 35
    Denise 20:21 20"44
    Erika 20:49 44 20"
    Jon P 20:30 Rx
    Pam 20:27 Rx


    Jenna 20:17 44 20"
    Justin 21:10 Rx
    Chris B 21:10 53 20" band
    Mike T 19:58Rx
    Alona 21:05 rus
    Jen S 19:12 26 band 20"
    Regi 21:10 Rx
    Chris M 21:05 20" RR 53
    Stacy 20:13 17" RR 26


    Mike Z 21:15 44 24"
    Kyle 20:29 Rx
    Derreck 20:48 Rx
    Giuls 20:17 Rx
    Josh P 21:20 53
    Brian T 21:18 53 24"
    Matt H 22:44 44rus band
    Terrence 20:41 24"
