
W.O.D. 6.2.15

Dont' forget about our Masters class that starts today 6/2 at 1:00PM


On the minute perform 5 burpees and a max set of 95/135 lb thrusters. Keeping this pace till you complete 100 total thrusters.
At the beginning of every minute perform 5 burpees, for the rest of the minute perform as many thrusters as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 total thrusters.  Go as long as it must take to complete the 100 thrusters. Your score will be total time.

Coaches Notes:
 Scale according to level and ability, new athletes should attempt 50 reps. Load should also be scaled to maintain intensity.

Community Notes:
Click here to check out and sign up for the up coming specialty clinics with Aimee Lyons.
Monday, 6/8- Pull-up, 6/15- Handstand Push-up, 6/22 Muscle Up...all specialty clinics will occur at 6:30PM in the main gym. These are FREE for members and $25 for non-members.


"The more you measure and motivate based on innovation, the less likely you will have a truly innovative culture."
-Stephen Shapiro



  1. 9:30am
    Rich p 19:00 65#/60reps
    Chris t 17:50 45#-75reps
    Kara 15:58 35#- 75reps/burpees
    Scott 19:00 75#, 50reps/2burpees

  2. 12:15 Express
    Jessie 20:49 53#
    Pam 19:58 75#
    Erika 68 reps at 45# ouchie

    1:00PM Masters Class (3 burpees on the minute)
    Fran 9:52 25#
    Terry 10 Minutes of work

    Welcome to CrossFit KoP Terry!!!

  3. 6/7am
    Peter W 10:55 (27 reps 135#/23 reps 115#)
    Dianne 14:52 (45#/50)
    Sheila 10:00 (25#/50 reps)
    Ellie 21:51 (55#)
    Laura A 19:40 (55#)

    Jon P 24:46 (95#)
    Mike R 17:59 (45#/50)
    Jeff B (95#)

  4. Karen: ~15:00 (75 reps) 35# scale
    Bob: 15:51 (50 reps) 63# scale
    Mike M: 17:00 (62 reps) 63# scale
    Olan: 19:51 (75 reps) 75#
    Giuls: 17:52 (63#)
    Mike Z: 14:58 (50 reps) 65#
    Tori: 7:00ish (50 reps) 53#
    Chris B: 12:44 (50 reps) 75# scale

    Erik: 9:50 (50 reps) 65#
    Christine: 13:48 (50 reps) 53#
    Flounder: 13:51 (80 reps) 65#
    Alona: 26:52 (65#)
    Josh M: 12:40 (75#)

    Well done to get through this monster...sleep well knowing you all accomplished something cray cray!

  5. 6:30

    lindsey 17:56 35
    Michal 26:57 65 85 reps
    Dave N 21:54 95
    Cline 22:00 95 80 reps
    Stephanie C 23:43 45
    Alyssa 24:00 55
    Terrence 17:33 95 60 reps
    Erika R 17:53 35 75 reps

    Dan G 10:51 75 75reps
