

St. Valentines Day Massacre
Each partner must share the work load and complete a portion of the below while the other partner continually holds a bumper plate over head. (Ladies#25/Gentlemen#45). We will scale the load overhead if necessary. If the bumper plate touches the ground at any time, each partner must complete 50 burpees. The bumper plate cannot rest on any object or body part, it must be held over head. Exercises can be completed in any order.

50 Wallballs (14/20#)
75 Kettelbell swings (35/55#)
100 Push Ups
150 Sit-Ups
200 Squats
800M Run

This Sunday, February 17th we will execute the Valentines Day WOD at both the 9AM and 10AM classes. Feel free to bring your significant other, partner, friend, child, relative or enemy...to give CrossFit a try. Even if you don't come with a partner, You will be paired up with someone. We will scale this based on level and ability for new comers. This is a FREE class for first timers who come with a current CFKoP member!!

(compare to (2.14.12 or 2.13.11 or 2.13.10 or 2.14.09 or 6.24.09)

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
-Albert Einstein

Shawn/Liz 27:21
Alison/Balmer 22:48
Derreck/Klutch 24:33
Rinat/Elena 26:41 Rx
Oleg/Jessi 30:27
Mike P/Mrs. P 26:52 Rx?
Erika/Manisha 27:00
Kathy/Alex 25:42
Linda/Kevin 35:32
Pete/King 22:59 Rx
Roni/Cris 20:40 Rx?
Jackie/Lindsey 28:15
Peterson/Mom 32:15
Shannon/Jaime 31:30
WW/Steve Z 29:25
John/Kim 28:50
Kate K/Faby 22:39
Rye Bread/Megs 21:58
Kelly G/Matt G 29:03
Jesse/Alona 28:39


  1. I found a claddagh band ring by the KB. Ask a coach if its yours!

  2. Sunday Massacre!

    Shawn/Liz 27:21
    Alison/Balmer 22:48
    Derreck/Klutch 24:33
    Rinat/Elena 26:41 Rx
    Oleg/Jessi 30:27
    Mike P/Mrs. P 26:52 Rx?
    Erika/Manisha 27:00
    Kathy/Alex 25:42
    Linda/Kevin 35:32
    Pete/King 22:59 Rx
    Roni/Cris 20:40 Rx?
    Jackie/Lindsey 28:15
    Peterson/Mom 32:15
    Shannon/Jaime 31:30
    WW/Steve Z 29:25
    John/Kim 28:50
    Kate K/Faby 22:39
    Rye Bread/Megs 21:58
    Kelly G/Matt G 29:03
    Jesse/Alona 28:39

    Great job working together everyone! Shout out to Rinat and Elena who, because of a miscommunication dropped the plate, ended up doing 50 penalty burpees. They still finished the workout Rx!!!!

  3. Woah - nice work everyone. We were 36:52, I was Rx+ (GHD sit-ups), Lizanne scaled push-ups (knees), WallBalls (8#), and rowed instead of ran.
