


5 Rounds for max reps of:
Body-weight bench press (e.g., same amount on bar as you weigh)

There is NO time component to this WOD. Your score is the total reps of Bench Press and Pull-ups totalled at the end of 5 rounds.


“Courage: the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”
 ― Maya Angelou

Mike P 178 Rx
Gina 87 85#/Red
Mark C 65 140#
Roni 62 85#
Becca 126 SP45#/RR
Lauren 91 85#/Blu
Nick 95 Rx
Dan M 62 135#
Mike S 54 95#
Jay E 72 Rx
Cris 218 Pushup/Pullup
Dinger 91 115#/Gr
King 81 Rx
Rob(TX) 150 Rx
Peterson 92 145#
Byrnesy 150 Rx
Smizzy 65#/Red
Allison B 61 65#/Bnd
Steph I 75 85#/Bnd
Dianne 55 85#/Bnd
Mike T 116 Rx+225#
Alex 77 115#
John C 182 rx
Kim C 82 sc
Barb 28 sc
Fayth 72 sc
Anne 166 sc
Kathy 107 sc
Rinat 121 sc
Chip 106 sc
David C 62 sc
Mike T 212 rx
Sharon 47 sc


  1. You rocked it!! Great job this morning!

  2. 6am
    Mike P 178 Rx
    Gina 87 85#/Red

    Mark C 65 140#
    Roni 62 85#
    Becca 126 SP45#/RR
    Lauren 91 85#/Blu
    Nick 95 Rx
    Dan M 62 135#
    Mike S 54 95#
    Jay E 72 Rx
    Cris 218 Pushup/Pullup
    Dinger 91 115#/Gr
    King 81 Rx

    Rob(TX) 150 Rx
    Peterson 92 145#
    Byrnesy 150 Rx
    Smizzy 65#/Red
    Allison B 61 65#/Bnd
    Steph I 75 85#/Bnd
    Dianne 55 85#/Bnd
    Mike T 116 Rx+225#

  3. 12n cont...

    Alex 77 115#

  4. 9:30
    John C 182 rx
    Kim C 82 sc
    Barb 28 sc
    Fayth 72 sc
    Anne 166 sc
    Kathy 107 sc
    Rinat 121 sc
    Chip 106 sc
    David C 62 sc
    Mike T 212 rx
    Sharon 47 sc

  5. 5:30

    Faby 124 @185
    Vincent 68 @145
    Lisa 148 @65/Band
    Pamela 200 @65/Band
    Cory 101 @85/Band
    Kate 123 @85/Band (Lost to Faby)


    Sam B 239RX PR!
    Jeremy 122PR @115/Band
    Jen 122 @85

  6. 3:30

    Sarah J 79 65 green
    Megs 114 75
    Vinny 168Rx
    Ryan B 113 Rx
    JZ 107 115
    Becky 98 85#


    Luke 136 75#
    Ryan J 167Rx
    Tim H 79 125
    Dee 60 75#
    Steph V 68 125 green
    Chris A 93 @145
    Justin H 108
    Lizzie 71 75#
    Ryan S 128 115#
    Vinnie 76 165#
