


Split Jerk

Cash Out:
In order to celebrate Coach Cate's "40th" we have come up with a little Birthday Cash Out!
 Complete 40 Barbell Thrusters for time. 
Choose your weight according to level and ability but keep your time under 3 minutes!
Happy Birthday Cate!

CFKoP Community Notes:
Starting on Thursday, November 8th we will be adding a 9:30AM Class!

This weekend on both Saturday and Sunday 11/10 and 11/11 at 9:00AM meet and park at Frosty Falls for and Adventure WOD!

On Thanksgiving day we will be hosting another "amazing race" WOD! Stay tuned for details.

 Make sure your calendars are marked and circled in RED for "Festivus" 2012 (12/6 starting at 5:00PM). Click here for 2011 and click here for 2010...and here for 2009.  Festive dress or holiday sweaters are a must, bring a gift under $5 wrapped and some food & drink to share. Details will follow. 

Other Community Events:
CrossFit Inspire is hosting "Helen meets Grace" on Saturday 11/10.
Erik Miller from Malvern Prep is hosting a USAW sanctioned weightlifting meet on Saturday 12/1
CrossFit Delaware Valley is hosting the "Redemption WOD" on Sunday 12/2.
TrapDoor Athletics and CF Novem is hosting the "Winter Warmer" on Saturday 1/12/13.

"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed." 
-Chinese proverb

Trevor 135 3:00 (65)
Steve 145 3:22 (65)
Nick 165 2:05 (65)
Kara 98 2:32 (33)
Steph V 135 2:41 (65)
Chris T 93 2:12 (33)
Meghan 55 1:48 (15)
Brooke 55 2:00 (15)
Jonathan 175 1:47 (65)
Matt 145 3:06 (65)
Jay E 275, 2:54(135)
Todd 185, 3:49(95)
Mike S 125, -- (65)
Lam 195, --(95)
Becca 95PR, 3:36(35)
Gina 100PR, 2:59(50)
Bekah 115PR, 2:09(50)
Lauren M 105, 2:35(45)
Rebecca 125, 3:58(65)
John C 285
Aimee 158
Keith 235
Sharon 125 form, 2:16 33#
Ryan B. 275 form, 2:47 135#
Tim 175, 1:48 75#
Andria 60, 2:44 15#
Tim H 195 30 @ 95
Jim C 225 30#PR 2:03 @ 75
Kate C 160 2:17 @ 65
Ryan S 145 2:43 @ 65
Luke 165 2:10 @ 45
Ben 145 2:34 @ 45
Tre 130 39 @ 75
Patrick 225 2:22 @ 65
Dig (form)
Ross 235, 23 w/ 135
Justin H 195, --
Joe C 185, 37 w/ 65
Travis 180, finished w/ 65
Fayth 85, 38 w/ 35
Justin R 205, 2:47 w/ 65
Roman 165, 2:25 w/ 65
Olan 185, 35 w/ 95
Anne 75, 34 w/ 35#
Mark W 135 4:46@65
Al Sheil 185 2:57@95
Manisha 75 4:10@35
Leslie 125 PR 3:20@22
Linda 90 PR 2:46 @35
Sandy 90 2:39@35
Schaefer 255 PR 4:13@95
Chip 245 PR 2:10@65
Diane 145 PR 3:40@65


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday Cate!!!! Enjoy your special day:):)

  2. Thank you Miranda!

    930 results:

    Trevor 135 3:00 (65)
    Steve 145 3:22 (65)
    Nick 165 2:05 (65)
    Kara 98 2:32 (33)
    Steph V 135 2:41 (65)
    Chris T 93 2:12 (33)
    Meghan 55 1:48 (15)
    Brooke 55 2:00 (15)
    Jonathan 175 1:47 (65)
    Matt 145 3:06 (65)

    Welcome Matt, Meghan and Brooke from Lulu!

  3. Happy Birthday Cate!!!!

    I am sad I am going to miss Festivus this year.

  4. Happy Birthday Cate! Can't believe you're 40 what an inspiration you are :)


    Jay E 275, 2:54(135)
    Todd 185, 3:49(95)
    Mike S 125, -- (65)
    Lam 195, --(95)
    Becca 95PR, 3:36(35)
    Gina 100PR, 2:59(50)
    Bekah 115PR, 2:09(50)
    Lauren M 105, 2:35(45)
    Rebecca 125, 3:58(65)

    Great PR's hope that Oly Lifting seminar knowledge helped achieve them!

  5. two things...

    1) Happy birthday Cate. You don't look a day past 27.

    2) I will have, BY FAR, the coolest Festivus sweater if everything falls into place.

  6. Happy Birthday, Cate! Enjoy!!

    And two thumbs up for birthday thrusters over birthday burpees!

  7. Happy birthday Cate, enjoy your day!

  8. 5:30
    Tim H 195 30 @ 95
    Jim C 225 30#PR 2:03 @ 75
    Kate C 160 2:17 @ 65
    Ryan S 145 2:43 @ 65
    Luke 165 2:10 @ 45
    Ben 145 2:34 @ 45
    Tre 130 39 @ 75
    Patrick 225 2:22 @ 65

    split jerk tips: keep that back knee down to stack under the hips and square those hips forward.

    if there is a number instead of a time for the cashout, that's how many reps were completed at 3:00

    Happy birthday Cate! I wish I was as strong as you!

  9. Happy Birthday Cate, as strong as you are you are 5x a better person! xox

  10. 6:30

    Mark W 135 4:46@65
    Al Sheil 185 2:57@95
    Manisha 75 4:10@35


    Leslie 125 PR 3:20@22
    Linda 90 PR 2:46 @35
    Sandy 90 2:39@35
    Schaefer 255 PR 4:13@95
    Chip 245 PR 2:10@65
    Diane 145 PR 3:40@65

  11. Missing Kathy from the 7:30... that was her 3:20@22, not mine, and I think her 1RM was 70.

  12. Sorry it's a day late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATE :)

    Hi Danny!!!!!
