

 AMRAP in 22 Minutes:
200 Meter Run 
40 Double Unders 
30 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
20 Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)
10 Toes to Bar

Community Notes:

After Friday Nights Lights on 3/14 we will celebrate the culmination of the 2025 CrossFitGames OPEN at the Tap House 23 in Bridgeport! We hope you can all join us!

"Response to stimulus is systemic rather than mechanical."


  1. 6am
    Bill 3 singles 33# rom
    Larissa 4 55# 1 min dub practice
    Brennan 3+1 95# rom singles and dubs
    Subhan 3 100#
    Julia 4+1 65#
    Jess 3+21 20 dubs/20 singles
    Kevin 2+9 rom dub practice
    Eric 3+21rx

  2. 9:30
    Ben 4+83rx
    Aimee 4+34rx
    Cate 3+93 500m c2
    Shannon 4+68rx
    Jordan 3+56 75# ttp 15 sit ups
    Jackie 3+100m rx

  3. Nooner
    Gent 3+6 65/SU rom TTB
    Pam 4+41 rx
    Edwin :) didn't beat Pam
    Megs 4+58 25# DB/500 C2 wiffle TTPole
    Chloe 4 Rx
    Geoff 3+4 95# 20 DU

  4. Masters
    AMRAP in 22
    200 M run/ 400 M C2bike
    20 DU/SU/Xover
    15 Abmat Sit ups
    10 STO
    5 TTB

    Richard 4+1 45/SU/bike
    Lee 4+1 55/DU/run
    Terry 4+1 55/xover/run/bike
    Teresa 4+8 45 su/du 4
    Ali 45+21 60 /Du/run
    Deb 3+46 20 / wiffles/ TTPole

  5. 4:30
    Mike 3+56 75#/ singles
    Korynne 3+73 Rx
    Corbin 4 bike/ dumbbells
    John 3 singles/ flag poles/ 75#
    Josh 3 rx
    Matt p 4 rx
    Graysen 3+25 1min double under attempts
    Christina 3 rom TTB/ singles/C2/ 35#
    Nat 5+1 C2/ 35#/ flag poles
    Jeff :)
    Grace 4+92 Rx
    Rich 4+53 Rx
    Noah 4+1 singles/ 65#/ flag poles
    Karen 3+81 65#
    Freaky 4+89 Rx
    Dave 4 rx
