


"King Kong"
3 Rounds for Time

1 Deadlift (320#/455#)
2 Ring Muscle Ups
3 Squat Cleans (175/250#)
4 Strict Handstand Pushups 

Coaches Notes:    
This workout contains few reps, but each rep should be challenging. Think of this as a heavy day, focusing on quality over quantity.  In larger classes, if necessary, athletes can share barbells with those using similar loads to manage space and equipment efficiently.    
Since this is a benchmark day, we will encourage athletes to test their limits with the goal of pushing the loads higher during the next two scheduled tests in 2025.

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." 
– Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. Alex 14:57 425# 225#
    Jess 13:08 scaled
    Tucker 8:46 315# 135# ring mu transitions
    Brennan 9:28 215# 105# 30"box hspu ring mu transitions

  2. 9:30
    Jackie 5:21 225/135 JMU/ 1.5 AB
    Mary 6:30 175/95 2 AB/ Trans
    Cate 6:00 205/115 power clean
    Aimee 4:59 220/120

  3. nooner
    Eric 8:08 185/320 JRM 2 AB
    Pam 8:30 150/250 JRM
    Bella 7:58 115/173 JRM 1.5 AB
    Erini 8:34 105/195 JRM 1 AB

  4. masters
    5 Deadlifts
    5 Strict Pullups
    10 DB Squat Clean
    10 DB Strict Press
    Richard 8:18 RR/105/15#
    Lisa 7:14 110#/band/15#
    Kathy 5:15 100 / RR/ 12#
    Terry 7:55 20#/15#/135# band
    Ali 7:55 145/ 20#/band
    Barb 5:49 (5 reps) 85#/12#/15#/ RR

  5. Chloe 5:46 205#, band rmu transition, 125#, one mat

  6. 4:30

    Shannon :)
    Jeff 6:52 RX
    RIch A 7:18 RX
    Rakshit 9:17( Women’s RX/2 AM/Trans. )
    Noah 8:48 (210/115/Pike/JMU)
    Grace 2 Rounds then had stroke
    Freaky 7:29 (245/120/JMU/2AM)
    Matt P 10:50 women’s RX/RMU attempts
    Graysen 7:30 (135/75/Transitions/ Pikes)
    Trevor 10:00 (295/185/RMU attempts) (got 2)

    5:30 (Grace)
    Lil D 9:21 (245/105/1.5 AM/Trans.)
    Sravanh 6:52 (225/holds/75/box)
    Gent 7:58 (315/holds/85 ROM/box)
    Chet 7:37 (266/holds/95/hspu supports)
