

 EMOM for 10 Minutes:

1 Thruster
(Start at a weight that will allow you to add 5-10 Pounds per Minute)

Rest 3:00 

Perform 1 Set of Thrusters at 60% of highest thruster weight for repetitions.

Cash out:

AMRAP in 7 Minutes
12 Thrusters (33/45#)
6 Burpees

Advent Day 10: 

Max Set of Thrusters at 60%
M/F/Masters Winner

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” ― Lao Tzu


  1. 6am

    Tucker 135 - 7Rx - 4+2 Rx
    Julia 110 - 3@Rx+95# - 4 Rx
    Brennan 120 -10Rx - 3+15 Rx
    Larissa 75 - 12Rx - 5+15 Rx

  2. 9:30
    Colette 165, 17@100#rx, 9rx
    Jackie 120, 18@75#rx, 4+14rx
    Mary 95, 20@58#rx, 4+3rx
    Em G 105, 23@65#rx, 7+3 push press
    Aimee 120, 21@73#rx, 7+1rx
    Cate 130, 6@77#rx, 6+3rx

  3. nooner
    Evan 165. 13@ 100 4+4 rx
    Erini 115. 15 @ 70 7+15 rx
    Edwin 155. 12 @ 95. 6+3 rx
    Rakshit 155 16 @ 100 5+6 rx
    Shannon 145. 15 @90 6+7 rx
    Ben 255 13 @115 7 rx
    Megs 107.5. 15 @ 65. 5+8 15# DB / push up
    Pam 140 23 @ 85 7+15 rx
    Dana D 110 25 @ 65. 5+15 rx
    Matty Bo 195. 11 @ 115 4+13 rx
    Dave H 195 PR! 14 @ 115 7 rx

  4. AMRAP in 7 Minutes
    10 DB Thrusters
    5 Burpees

    Richard. 55. 12@ 35. 4+4 8#
    Lisa. 70. 15 @ 45 4+6 12#
    Kathy 70. 11 @ 45 5 10# push ups
    Teresa 75. 11 @ 45 4+5. 12#
    Ali 88. 15 # 53. 6+11. 15#

  5. Sorry y'all I forgot to take a picture of the board before it was erased. This is off memory. If I am wrong let me know! Ill fix them when I see you next

    Jeff 270# PR! /15@165/ 7+5
    Grace 175# PR! /16@105 /7
    Rich A 245#/ 18@ 147/ 7+4
    Noah 120# /13@ 75 / 5
    Josh 195#/4
    Mike 145#/ 4+6
    Maddy 105#/
    Freaky 115# 30@65# 7+2
    Emily 75# 17@55 5+?
    Matt D 175#/ 7+?
    Bella 125# /
    Wendy 98#/ 26@55#/ 5+?
    Kristen 100# /5+?
