

Complete all for time:

1 Round of:
24 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
24 GHD Sit-ups
24 Calorie Row 

2 Rounds of:
16 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
16 GHD Sit-ups
16 Calorie Row

3 Rounds of:
8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
GHD Sit-ups
8 Calorie Row 

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” 
– Hippocrates


  1. 9:30
    Em G 22:23 16-12-8 C2B banded+ pull-up
    Aimee 18:24 rx
    Jackie 21:55 16/12- C2B- 8 RR
    Cate 23:34 rx

  2. 6:00 am
    Brennan 27:03 16/12/8 pull up rom GHD
    Steve 27:55 16/12/8 kip swings ab mat
    Shannon 20:33 rx
    Larissa 23:12 rx
    Alex 21:43 abmat
    Subhan 19:40 pull up
    Kevin 26: 23 strict pull up/ kip swing 16/12/8 GHD
    Christina 24:20 kip swings ab/mat
    Tucker 24:30 rom c2b

  3. nooner
    Meighan 21:58 C2B rds 24/18 - PU16
    Pam 19:16 rx
    Erini 25:27 rx
    Abby 17:34 Kip/band pull-up/RR Ab mat + GHD
    Maggie 18:20 Kip/band pull-up/RR Ab mat + GHD
    Rich A 18:24 rx
    Ben 13:55 rx

  4. 4:30
    Trevor 20:36 1/2 C2B
    Karen 19:18 pullup/abmat
    Mike Mit 18:40 pullup /abmat
    Matt D 14:01 pull-up / ab mat
    Maddy 19:00 kip swing/pullup rr
    Yormen 13:52 16/12/8 C2B
    Grayson 16:58 AB mat band 16/12/8
    Kristen K 16:08 16/12/8 band Pullup
    Jeff 13:34 rx
    Grace 13:50 C2
    Matt P 15:45 16/12/8 C2B
    Freaky 18:33 rx
    Matty Boo 16:39 pull-up/ abmat

  5. 5:30
    Seth: 16:50 MB SU and RR
    Danielle: 20:53 PU
    Jamie: 18:39 RX
    Lil D: 22:53 PU
    Rakshit: 22:32 RX
