

5 Round for time of:

4 Ring Muscle Ups
6 Sandbag Cleans (Ground to over the Shoulder) (100/150#)
12 Burpees Over Sandbag 

"With consistency and reps and routine you're going to achieve your goals and get where you want to be."
- Mandy Rose


  1. 6am

    Miguel 15:01 strictPU 50#
    Alex 15:51 125# 4rnds
    Brennan 19:40 JMU 75/100#
    Brian 12:38 JMU 125#
    Jamie 12:15 JMU
    Subhan 15:55 StrictPU 100#
    Tucker 16:45 JMU 100#

  2. Masters
    Lee 18:25 4rr+4 holds/50#/reg burpees
    Teresa 20:31 4rds 44rr+4trans/50#/reg burpees

  3. 9:30
    Evan 22:12 4 rds 100#
    Gordy 14:40 4 rds/ 10 GHD 100lbs
    Dana H 19:46 rx
    Jackie 19:00 JMU 75#
    Monica 16:08 50# 4 dips box/ 4 pull-ups band

    HBD Shannon 14:21 JMU
    Pam 13:53 JMU
    Megs 15:59 strict ring Pullup 50#
    Dave H 20:11 2 MU
    Gillian 12:22 tt-rings 50#
    Ben 12:28 rx
    Lauren 13:49 BMU 75#
    Geoff :)
    Erini 17:44 2 RMU
    Rich A 19:02 Rx

  4. 4:30

    Freaky 15:48 (JMU)
    Jeff 13:28 RX
    Matt D 14:05 (JMU/125#)
    Abby 13:53 (BPU/50#)
    Kristen 14:26 (BPU/75#)
    Edwin 13:23 (t2R/100#)
    Eric 13:47 (JMU/100#)
    Matt P 14:30 (2 RMU/100#)
    Graysen 14:20 (Transitions/50#)
    Adrian 16:17 (125#)
    Karolina 18:33 (BPU/50#)
    Grace 15:10 Rx
    Matty Bo 16:43 (JMU/125#)
    Yormen 15:43 (JMU/100#)
    Mike 16:50 (75#/2 1/2 BMU)
    Karen 16:26 (75#/BPU)
