

Test Day 

10 RM Deadlift 

To Compare to 7.5.24 CLICK HERE
To Compare to 2.13.24 CLICK HERE

Cash Out:

AMRAP in 10 Minutes: 
10 Dumbbell Deadlifts
10 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
8/10 Calorie Air Bike 

 "Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt." 
-John Muir


  1. 6am

    Tucker 225 3+18 25
    Alex 365 3+1 Rx
    Kevin 275 2+15 45
    Christina 125 2+12 25/15
    Brennan 185 3+20 25

  2. 9:30
    Em G 163 PR!!! 3+20 25#
    Jackie 205 trap bar 3+20 25#
    Sarah B 135 3+1 20#
    Mary H 165 3+24 15/15#
    Gordy 270 4 25#

  3. Masters pr party!
    Kathy 130# pr 3+23 15#c2
    Deb 65# pr 3+4 10#/8#c2
    Teresa 105# pr 3+26 15#/10#
    Lee 120# pr 3+24 20#/15#c2
    Gillian 165# pr 3+25 25#
    Jordan 175# pr 3+25 35#

  4. Nooner
    Keith 315 3rx
    Dave H 275. 3+12 rx
    Edwin 255 PR 4+5 50/35#
    Pam 255 PR. 4+20 15 clean / 35#
    Shannon 245 PR. 4+16 rx
    Heather 195 3+24. 25#
    Matt P 285 PR 3+27 25#
    Eric 255. 3+20 40#
    Geoff 305

  5. 4:30

    Jeff 365/4 +14 Rx
    Abby 125 PR!!/4+1 @20
    Grace 250 PR!!/3+13 Rx
    Matt D 205/4+17 @40
    Matty Bo 315/3+10-Rx
    Adrian 308/ 3+13 Rx
    Freaky 225/4 Rx
    Trevor 255/3+1 @35

    Rakshit 300 PR!!/3Rx
    Seth 352/ 3+12 Rx
    Danielle C 215 PR!!/4 @25\
    Paul 105
    Lindsey 125/4@20
    Sai 135 PR!!/3 @20
    Sravanh Did Work/3 @25
