

Clean and Jerk 


*Aim for all lifts to be 70% of 1RM and above 

For Time with a 10 Minute Cap: 
60 Clean and Jerks (65/95#) 
*Every minute on the minute complete 6 Burpees*

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
-John Quincy Adams


  1. 9:30
    Leah 100 43@55# 4 burpees
    Erini 85 50@55#
    Julia 140 :)
    Jackie 150 52 athletic burpees
    Aimee 135 8:52rx
    Cate 125 55
    Jen 70 32@45#
    Jessie 115 33 scaled burpees

  2. nooner
    Geoff 165
    Pam 155 7:30 RX
    Shannon 165 6:52 rx
    Keith 245
    Sarah B 100 PR! 20 reps at 45#
    Yormen 135 "I forgot"
    Dana D 125 9:53 rx
    Megs 90 power clean + push jerk/ 8:58 50 reps at 55
    Freaky 125 8:46 rx
    Evan Z 155 :) 47 reps @65# 4 burpees
    Trevor 210 PR 31 reps 95#

    Gordy 242 (3 rm back squat)
    Emma E 105 3 rm safety squat 52 reps at 75# Safety Squat

  3. 6 am for Mark
    Kristen 95# :)
    Larissa 70# 50 reps 50#
    Jess 115# 49 @ 65#
    Tori 85 55#
    Subhan 135# 9:44 75# 3 burpees
    Alex 170 5:49 75#

  4. 4:30
    Matt P 196 8:59 65#
    Grayson 60 50 reps at 43#
    Bala 95 7:00 45#
    Rakshit 170 55 reps 65#
    Grace165 7:40 rx
    Karen 125 34 65#
    Eric 165 42 at 75#
    Matty Bo 205 40 rx
    Edwin 155 PR! 9:59 75#
    Jeff P 295 ouchie

  5. Jamie 165, 5:56 RX (started with cleans bc didn’t know?)
