

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:

2 Rope Climbs (15') 
 10 DB Bench (35/50#) 
200 Meter Run

 "The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”
 -Ronald Reagan


  1. 6am

    Jamie 7+12.5 Rx
    Dana 7+1 25
    Alex 7 65 floor c2
    King 7 35
    Rich(drop-in) ______
    Eric 6+2 2 pulls
    Jess 6+15 5pu 30
    Tori 6 30
    Larissa 8+9 30/pu

  2. 9:30
    Subhan (Birthday!) 5+1 6 strict pull ups
    Cate 6+1 500m c2
    Jackie 5+12 floor press
    Megs 5+12 25# floor press 500m c2
    Aimee 500m c2


  3. Aimee 6 rds - 500 C2 bike

    Dana H 6+12 rz
    Evan Z 6 rx
    Shannon R 7+1 rx
    Pam 6+12 rx
    Edwin 7 45#
    Rakshit 7 35#
    Freaky 7 25#
    Yormen 5 35# * first rope climbs* some strict pull-up / band
    Dave H 7+2 rx
    Matt Bo 5+ 1 rx

  4. Masters
    Gordy 6 35#
    Deb 5+2 8 #/ C2 400 M/ 2 pulls
    Terry 6 15/10# 1 rope climb
    Lisa 6+11 12/15 # 1 rope climb/ C2 bike 400M
    Lee 6 15# 1 15 rope climb
    Richard 6+7 c2 bike 400M/ 15/20# pulls + foot hold
    Kathy 6+2 c2 bike 400M 15# foot holds

  5. 4:30
    Jeff 9 rx
    Julia 6+9 25#
    Kristen 6+ 11 1 rope climb 25#
    Grace 7+2 rx + MB run 14#
    Ryan S 8+4 35#
    Bala 6 1 rope climb 25# rom
    Matt P 6+1 45#
    Graysen 7+12 pulls 15#
    Josh Mc 7+18 8 strict PU
    Karen M 5+2 25# C2 bike
    Mike Mit 5+2 30# c2 bike

  6. 5:30
    Paresh 5+1 20# walk ups
    Danielle C 5 25# 500m c2
    Seth 7+2 60# walk ups 500m c2
    Andrew 6+4 20#
