

EMOM for 16 Minutes:

1. 6 Power Snatches (75/115#) 
2. 10 Burpees Over Bar 
3. 12 Alternating Front Rack Lunges (75/115#)
4. 8/10 Calorie Air Bike

From 16:00-30:00
Work to a Heavy Snatch Complex of: 
1 Snatch Pull
1 Snatch 
1 Overhead Squat 

(record heaviest load on the Snatch Complex)

“I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.” – Estee Lauder


  1. Alex 95, 95
    Brennan 35/45, did work
    Jamie S Rx, 115
    Colette Rx, 115
    Larissa 45, 60(pull+clean+FS)
    Jess 65, 95
    Subhan 95(6/8/8/8), 115

  2. 9:30
    Jackie athletic burpees over bar, clean pull/pc/fs 130#
    Cate Rx, 110#
    Aimee 65#, 90#
    Nick 85#, empty bar practice

  3. 4:30

    Jeff RX+ (135/12cal/12BOB) & 205
    Jailene 20#DB Snatch/ 33#FR Lunge & skill work
    Edwin 95# & 115
    Karen 65#/C2 & 85
    Matt D 95#& skill work
    Kristen 60# & Skill work
    Megz 55#/20#DB lunge & 72.5
    Mike M 65#/scale lunge
    Grace RX & 115

  4. 5:30
    Ethan 65#, practice
    Seth body weight lunges reg burpees, 145#
    Danielle G Rx,110#
    Karolina 35#, 40#
    Adrian 95#,145#
    Danielle C 55#, 65#
    Greggie Rx, 165#

  5. Masters
    6 Power Cleans
    10 Burpees
    12 DB lunge
    8 Cals C2 Bike
    Terry 65/12 DB--- 75 Power Clean + FS
    Lee 45/ 12 DB
    Kathy 45/ SL RDL
    Lisa 55/ 15 DB

  6. nooner
    Shannon Rx --- 125#
    Matty Bo 95#/ 135#
    Meredith 65/20 DB lunge c2 bike ---85#
    Keith BW lunge--- 205#
    Eric 95-- 135#
    Pam Rx ---105#
    Leah 55-15 DB lunge ---75#
    Gordy 45 --- 95 # strict press
    Geoff 65 / 8 burpees/ row----95#
    Yormen 95 ---95#
    Rich A almost RX ---165#
    Dave H Rx ish --- 115#
    Ben Rx + 135/12 Burpees/ 12 Cals ----195#
