


Take 20 Minutes to Establish a 5RM Push Press

CLICK HERE to Compare to 3.6.24

Cash Out:

AMRAP in 7 Minutes: 
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 
7 Right Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk (35/50#) 
7 Left Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk (35/50#)

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” 
― C.G. Jung


  1. 6am

    Jess 115 4+5 band
    Subhan 155 3+2 pu
    Larissa 80 4+12 20#
    Brennan 60 5 RR/20

  2. 9:30
    Megs 100PR! 4+1 25#
    Monica :) 5+2 20# band
    Ali 78 4 band 25#
    Steve 52 5+15 rr 15#
    Aimee 115PR! 6+1 30#
    Leah 70 4+7 rr 20#
    Jackie 100 3+17 pull ups 30#
    Cate 125 4+6rx
    Jessie 100 4+15 band 25#
    Josh 175 5 45#
    Katri 5x5@65# 4+7 25# rr

  3. nooner
    Pam 130 PR 4+11 25#
    Edwin 130 PR 4+1 35 # band 5 pull-up
    Keith 185 4+1 rx
    Bala 75 4 25# RR
    Evan 147.5 PR!! 2+14 rx
    Dave H 175 4_7 rx
    Eric 165 PR ! 3+14 rx
    Laure -------- 4+5 rx

  4. masters
    Richard 60 4+2 10#
    Terry 75 4+18 15#
    Kathy 65 4+10 10#

  5. 4:30
    Adrian 185# 4 Rx
    Karolina 70# PR! 4 + 11 20#
    Jeff 229#PR! 5+19 Rx
    GrAAAce 143# 5 Rx
    Graysen 65# 4+6 band 15#
    Matt P 165# 4 Rx
    Rakshit 140# 3+11 45#
    Kristen K 85# 5+2 25# Pullups
    Karen M 115# 4+7 30# pullup
    Mike Mit 143 PR! 4+7 35# Pullup
    Yourmen 105# 3+7 30# Pullup

  6. 5:30
    Sai 30 3+7 rr 20#
    Tori 95 3+8 30#
    Nick 140 3+12 banded
    Seth 209 PR! 4+14 110# bent over row
    Paresh 75 3+14 20# rr
    Danielle C 95 3+3 30# pull ups
    Danielle G 125 4+3 pull ups
    Sravan 75 4 rr 25#
