
Athlete Spotlight- Richard

How long have you been at CF KOP? 
I have been a member of CF KOP since October 2022. 

What brought you in to CF KOP to begin with? 
I used to walk a lot for exercise. But I knew I needed to increase my fitness level as I got older. I saw the gains a couple of friends were making after starting to do CrossFit. 

Was it intimidating to start CrossFit? 
Yes very! I was intimidated by how fit the members are and also by all the things the people in the Masters class could do that I could not. 

What other activities do you enjoy outside of CrossFit? 
Spending time with family and friends, watching my kids play sports, traveling, cooking, watching and attending sporting events. 

How has CrossFit changed your life? 
My overall fitness level has increased, increase in strength, better balance, less injuries and I just feel better and have more energy. 

What was the most fun thing to learn at CrossFit? 
That I could actually do some things physically that I never did my whole life. 
How much fun we have in class while still working hard. 

 Do you have a favorite and least favorite movement? 
Least favorite is burpees. I enjoy doing ring rows.

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