


AMRAP in 20 minutes
400 meter Run 
Max Pull-Ups 

 On a 20-minute clock, perform a 400 meter run, then complete as many Pull-Ups as possible in a single set (unbroken, meaning a drop from the pull-up bar, touching the ground, or otherwise resting in any position other than a hang counts as a break and the end of the set). Continue immediately to another Run and another max set of Pull-Ups. Repeat until the 20-minutes is up. Score is the total number of Pull-Ups completed (cumulative across all rounds) before the 20-minute clock stops. 
  To compare results from 3.28.2024

"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds."  Gordon B. Hinckley


  1. 9:30
    Leah 5 rounds 400m run 20 sit ups
    Matt 50rx strict
    Evan 100 c2 1000m
    Ben 137rx PR!
    Julia 33rx
    Kristen 35 band
    Nick 60 band
    Steph 41rx
    Jen 60(ish) band
    Amritha 75 rr
    Pam 70rx
    Aimee 91rx
    Cate 80 3 rounds run 2 rounds c2 1000m

  2. nooner
    Yormen 42 band + Pull-up
    Keith 95 c2 bike 1000M
    Emma 65 PU/RR/DB row
    Dana H 93 rx
    Megs 85 c2 bike 1000M
    Shannon 75 PR Rx!
    Gordy 92 c2 bike 1000M
    Erik 59 rx
    Freaky 73 rx
    Geoff 72 rx
    Danielle 56 rx

    6 AM
    Brian 53 rx strict
    Larissa 45 run / c2 strict
    Mark 24 rx strict

  3. 4:30
    RAkshit 56 rx
    Abby 49 band + aimee
    Matt D 101 rx
    Jeff 152 rx pr
    Karen 56 c2 bike
    Matty Bo 51 rx
    Josh 57 strict PU
    Mike Mit 74 C2 bike
    Trevor 58 rx

  4. 5:30

    Seth - 71 RR and 1000 C2
    Danielle - 56 Band and 200m
    Sravan - 50 RR
    Sai - 55 RR and 200m
    Dana - 72 Broken sets
    Jamie - 66 RX
    Greg - 130 RX
