

4 Rounds for Time of: 
25 ft Handstand walk 
25 ft Front Rack walking lunge (2x 35/50) 
25 Box Jumps (20/24") 
25 ft Front Rack walking lunge (2x 35/50) 
25 ft Handstand walk 
Rest 1:00 between rounds. 

Score is total time to complete all 4 rounds plus the rest intervals
Modify the Handstand Walk with 3 wall walks or less distance. 

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” - G. Michael Hopf


  1. 6am

    Subhan 16:48 2ww/25#/StepUp
    Julia 21:05 25#/StepUp

  2. Noon
    Keith 15:09 bw lunge
    Alicia 18:46 15# shoulder taps, waiters walk
    Ryan 21:01 3 ww, 35#, 3 wwi
    Trevor 17:25 ladies rx
    Pam 23:20 rx
    Rich 23:20 rx

    Deb 19:23 3rds (4 cal ski, 15 fs, step ups 11", 15 fs, 25' waiters walk) 5#
    Jordan 24:25 3ww 25#, 20", 2 hs holds

  3. 9:30AM

    Erini 19:42- 3WW
    Gillian- 18:16 3 1/2WW- Step Ups- 15#DB
    Evan- 19:05 35#DB (3 Rounds)
    Larissa- 14:05 3WW- 20#
    Jackie- 20:24 2WW 20#DB 3 Walk Ins
    Mary- 19:39 20'HSW 15#DB
    Monica- 21:51 17#box 15#DB WW and Skill

    Jeff 11:20 RX
    Grace 12:31 RX
    Abby 17:23 3 1/2 WW 10#DB
    Mckenna- FIRST CLASS 3 Rounds Did Work
    Matt P- 18:45 35#
    Grayson 21:39 17" box 12#DB 3 1/2WW
    Shannon 16:56 3WWI
    Edwin- 17:45 35# 20"box 3 1/2WW
    Yormen- 22:00 30#DB 20"box HS Skill/1/2WW

    Seth 17:06 3 1/2WW BW lunge 17"box Stepups
    Danielle C- 17:16 3WW 3 WWI 13"box step ups 30#DB
    Sai- Did Work
    Step- 18:23 20#DB 17"box 3WW 3WWI
