

For Time: 
20 Calorie Assault Bike 
20 GHD Sit-ups 
9 Clean and Jerk (105/155) 
20 Calorie Assault Bike 
20 GHD Sit-ups
7 Clean and Jerk (105/155) 
20 Calorie Assault Bike 
20 GHD Sit-ups
5 Clean and Jerk (105/155) 
20 Calorie Assault Bike 
20 GHD Sit-ups

“Perhaps the richest person in the room could be measured by the amount of time they spend present with the people they love” - Amber Lyon


  1. Ryan A. - 11:26 135# HPCs, 10 GHDs

  2. 9:30
    Gigi 18:11 c2 35#
    Mary 17:57 15 cal 15 ghd 85#
    Jackie 19:12 95#
    Aimee 18:07rx
    Cate 17:30 rx
    Matty Bo 16:09 12 ghd
    Gillian 17:17 65#

  3. 6am

    Alex 13:36 115 ab
    Tori 17:04 85
    Jess 17:15 Rx
    Julia 15:59 ab
    Mark 15:25 135
    Brian(drop-in) 15:25 135
    Subhan 16:24 18cals/ab/115

  4. nooner
    Sarah B 20:00 75#/18 cals (no last rd)
    Megs 18:50 85#/18 cals (no last rd)
    Lauren 16:16 echo bike / 95#
    Pam 15:10 rx
    Katri 15:35 65 plank hold 1:00 Clean and PP
    Trevor 20:52 parallel GHD rom
    Meredith 20:40 85#
    Rich A 13:00 rx
    Geoff 13:12 115/ ab mat row

  5. Masters
    15 Cal Bike/15 GHD

    Gordy 13:54 (125/Air bike)
    Terry 15:57 65 C2Bike
    Richard 16:12 35/ C2Bike
    Lisa 16:50 55/ C2Bike
    Kathy 17:34 45 C2Bike

  6. 4:30
    Ben S 11:47 rx
    Jeff 11:10 rx
    Grace 13:48 rx
    Matt P 16:01 135
    Grayson 19:16 65#
    Josh Mc 14:41 135
    Edwin 16:30 125
    Freaky 18:10 rx
    Shannon 16:44 rx
    Karen 12:18 85# sit ups
    Mae 12:25 DB 15/20 sit ups
    Mike Mit 12:07 95# sit ups
    Ryan P 16:45 1/2 cals 45#/ situp + GHD
    Yormen 19:50 75# 18 reps GHD/BIKE

  7. 5:30
    Seth 15:12 ball sit ups
    Jamie 12:23rx
    Danielle C 18:25 15 cals 85#
    Dana D 19:something 95#
