

AMRAP in 5:00:   
20/25 Calorie Row 
25 Wall Balls 14/20lb. To 9’/10’ 
Max pull-ups 

rest 2:00

AMRAP in 5:00: 
 20/25 Calorie Row 
 25 Wall Balls 14/20lb. To 9’/10’ 
 Max C2B 

rest 2:00

AMRAP in 5:00:  
20/25 Calorie Row 
25 Wall Balls 14/20lb. To 9’/10’ 
Max Bar Muscle Ups

Score is total reps of pull-ups, C2B, and BMU. 

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." – Marie Curie

1 comment:

  1. Karen 32/18/15 banded
    Edwin 20cal 25/16/6 low bar
    Sarah 45/25/20 pu banded
    Jeff 66/26/9 RX
    Alex 35/15/3 RX
    Grace 51/24/11 RX
    Mike 20 cal 33/12/5 RX

    Greg 60/25/6 RX
    Kaitlynn 20/15/7 banded
    Danielle C 19/9/6 Low bar
    Danielle G 29/18/9 Box BMU
    Stephanie 20/16 banded/ 7 hip raises
    Jamie 42/31/15 Box BMU
    John 32/13/14 ring rows
    Seth 44 RR 40 RR 54 banded tri-ext
    Sandra 12/10/5 scaled to bar
