

Committed Crew workout by Julia N!

4 Rounds for time of:
5 Wall Walks
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/50#)
15 Calories Row

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" L.M. Montgomery


  1. 6am

    Alex 15:35 35
    Julia 13:10 20#
    Mark 13:17 35

  2. 9:30
    Leda 13:14, 25#
    Aimee 11:23, 25#
    Cate 13:31
    Em 11:36, Sh.taps+push-ups
    Monica 14:23, 15#
    Erini 13:59,25#
    Gillian 10:27, 1ww/10shtaps, 25#
    Jessie 15:59, 25#

  3. nooner
    Nick 12:29 20#/1 round shoulder taps
    Pam 12:41 83#/ barbell thruster
    Liam 15:54 15# sholder taps w feet on wall
    Shannon 10:33 30 DB shoulder taps per round
    Megs 13:54 25#
    Taylor 15:10 rx
    Keith 9:54 35#
    Rich A 12:15 rx
    Kevin H 14:03 rx

  4. Masters
    Kathy 14:34
    4 rds:
    10 sit ups
    10 db fs (12#)
    15 cal row

  5. 4:30
    Jeff 9:3- rx
    KK 13:59 3ww 25#
    Trevor 15:17 40#
    Matt P 12:33 35#
    Edwin 14:25 (35)
    Freaky 15 rx
    Bala 15:33 25# Rom
    Karen 15:10 25#
    Matty B 15:40 40#
    Mike M 15:37 30#
    May 15:47 15# rom
    Joe S 16:10 rx

  6. 5:30
    Jamie 13:46 rx
    Scientist 13:07 rx
    Lil D 16:40 25#
    David 14:55 10 cal 20 db
    Tori 14:52 25#
    Jess 14:48 25#
    Andrew 16:2 3#
    Steph 15:25 20#
