

4 x 3-minute rounds for reps of: 
12-cal row 
24 double-unders 
Round 1 - Max-reps Slamballs (20/30#)
Round 2 - Max- reps Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
Round 3 - Max reps Slamballs (20/30#)
Round 4 - Max- reps Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)

( rest 2 minutes between rounds )

Community Notes:
This Friday begins the CrossFit OPEN, the workout will be programmed in all Classes on Friday 3/1 and a special Friday Night Lights (from 4:30-6:30) with a local social following. 

Weekend Classes 9 AM on both Saturday 3/2 and Sunday 3/3 will be at the Lyons Den - 555 w Beidler Rd. KOP.

7- 8 AM OPEN GYM will be held at CFKOP on Saturday 3/2

NO Kids Class Saturday 3/2 

(regular schedule will resume next weekend)

“The biggest wall you have to climb is the one you build in your mind: Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up. Never let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success. To get your mind on the right track, the rest will follow.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart


  1. 6AM
    Kaitlyn 144 RX
    Alex 118 RX
    Subhan 94 RX
    Bryan 171 RX
    Jessica 120 RX

  2. 9:30
    Em 119rx
    Monica 84 20# 25#
    Jackie 130 15# 25#
    Rachele 98 20# 25#

  3. nooner
    Megs 96 15# clean and press/ 25# DB/ Pushup
    Pam 156 rx + 25
    Shannon 113 rx
    Geoff 102 :30 DUA MED ball slam ball 25#
    Meredith 134 SU

  4. masters
    12 Cal row
    30 Single unders

    Lisa 98 10#/12#
    Richard 66 10#/12#/15
    Terry 123 10#/10#/ 12#

  5. Daneille 80 72 singles /10 cals/ 20#/35#
    Natalie 102 Kb Swings /strict pull-ups
    Joe 158 RX
    Mark 108 RX

  6. Seth 90 RX
    Julia 150 RX
    Danielle Slam Balls only
