

 Take 20 Minutes to Build to a HEAVY 3 RM Back Squat

Cash Out:
5 Rounds:
In a 2:00 minute window:
12/15 Calories Ski Erg
5 Back Squats (@80% of 3 RM)

Community Notes:
This Friday begins the CrossFit OPEN, the workout will be programmed in all Classes on Friday 3/1 and a special Friday Night Lights (from 4:30-6:30) with a local social following. 

Weekend Classes 9 AM on both Saturday 3/2 and Sunday 3/3 will be at the Lyons Den - 555 w Beidler Rd. KOP.

7- 8 AM OPEN GYM will be held at CFKOP on Saturday 3/2

NO Kids Class Saturday 3/2 

(regular schedule will resume next weekend)

“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.” – Dorothy Day


  1. 6am

    Bryan 342 12cal
    Subhan 295 10cal/4reps
    Julia 185 10 cal
    Erika 125 10 cal
    Jess 165 115
    Jessi 165 10cal/115
    Alex 295 10cal

  2. Colette 265 9 cal @175
    Aimee 165 rx
    Cate 175 rx

    Erini 165 @125
    Mary 105 10 cals
    Philipp 205 12 cals @145
    Taylor 355 @185
    Dana D 155 rx

  3. noon
    Evan 235 (tried for rx)
    Dana H 215 rx+ 180
    Kevin H 355 225#
    Matt p 205 rx
    Rakshit 253 rx
    Edwin 270 PR
    Julia n 225
    Keith 330 (198#)
    Pam 210 rx
    Megs 115 dl115
    Shannon 225 rx
    Meredith 215 Pr 145
    Matty Boh 295 185

  4. masters
    Gordy 305
    Kathy 120
    Gigi 40
    Lia 105

  5. Sarah M 75 PR! 1:00 cals ski
    Freaky 165 rx +
    Jeff 385 rx +
    Nat 155 17" bike C2 15 cals 135
    Joe S 315 rx
    Barry 245 10 cals ski
    Karen 195 rx

  6. 5:30
    Kaitlynn B 110 rx
    Danielle C 165 4 rounds 10 cals
    Greg 255 rx
    Nick P 135 @65
    Steph C 130 ski 10 cals @100
    Tori 135 10 cals @100
