

For time:
Hand release Push-ups
Hang Power Cleans (65/95#)

Shoulder to Overhead (65/95#)
Toes to Bar

Power Snatch (65/95#)
Ring Dips

Community Notes: 
We are hosting a CFL2 this weekend, therefore classes on Saturday 1/6 and Sunday 1/7 at 9:00 AM will be held at the Lyons Den - 555 W Beider Rd. KOP 
Saturday's 7-8 AM OPEN GYM with Coach Danielle will still be held the box.

“People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.” 
– Harvey MacKay


  1. 6am

    Subhan 17:34 DBPP/boxdips
    Brian 16:20 Rx
    Kristen 13:36 65/boxdips
    Mike S 18:45 sc
    Brian S 10:37 Rx
    Mark 15:37 Rx
    Kaitlyn 15:00ish Rx
    Larissa 13:58 45
    Colette 8:15 pushup for dips
    Alex 16:27 75 romt2b
    Jordan 13:06 65 t2p
    Jess 14:13 boxdips/romT2B

  2. 9:30
    Erini 13:20 55#
    Jackie 14:31 12-9-6 hrpu rom ttb
    Cate 11:57 rx
    Aimee 10:38 rx
    Mary 13:41 55# 9-6-3 ttb box dips
    Tori 14:04 55# rom box dips

  3. Keith 18:29 RX
    Rich 11:03 RX
    Dana H 18:51 95 RX+
    Pam 12:39 RX
    Max 17:47 85#
    Matty Bo 12:42 75# TTP
    Meredith 14:25 ROM TTB Jumping Dip
    Gordy 14:58 65# / TTP
    Jonathan 15:09 RX
    Matt 15:20 RX
    Evan 17:03 65#
    Megs 17:24 RX
    Shannon 13:39 Jump negative ring dips
    Gina 14:50 ROM TTB reg ring dip
    Ana 12:13 RX
    Geoff 14:12 25#DB 75#

  4. Masters 1 PM (NO 9-6-3)

    Gigi 10:24 32# rom ttb
    Kathy 12:02 35# box kip swing/ttpole
    Lee 10:34 45# rom ttb
    Richard 13:39 35# box kips / tt pole
    Terry 15:00 45# partial TTB

  5. 4:30
    Jeff P 9:57 rx
    Joanna 10:30 35/15# box dip kip swing
    Jerry 14:34 75# tt pole
    Mike Mit 14:50 75#
    RAkshit 15:50 85# box dip
    Dave H 17:20 rx
    Nat 9:15 25# DB tt pole box dip
    Joe S 15:25 ttpole
    Taylor 14:59 stiup
    Freaky 13:58 band
    Trevor 16:05 65 rom box dip

  6. 5:30
    Danielle C 15:48 55# rom ttb feet on box bips
    Dana D 15:52 some rom ttb, feet on 17 in box dips
    Nick 13:22 65# rom ttb, feet on box dips
    Seth 16:40 ttp, box dips
    Jamie 13:24 rx
    Steph C 14:49 55# feet on box dips, rom ttb
