
January Spotlight


How long have you been CrossFitting?

I've been CrossFitting for 8.5 years. I started when I was 43 and only regret not getting started sooner.

What brought you to CF KOP?
A friend suggested that I join because there were skills that I needed to work on for an upcoming competition.  She was right when she said KoP is a magical place! In just a few months of being a member, I have improved my kipping pull-ups and kipping HSPUs. It's both the coaching and the community support that has helped my growth as an athlete.

Congrats on your level 3, what were your main takeaways from the process of achieving that?
I have been passionate about CrossFit from the start and studying for the L3 deepened that feeling because I came to understand the science, logic, and principles behind the methodology.  I've always said that if I ever win the lottery, I'd take university classes for fun because I enjoy learning.  With CrossFit, I feel like I've won the lottery.  There is always much to learn across multiple facets as both an athlete and a coach. The L3 experience was an opportunity to "nerd out"  and come away with a greater appreciation for the sport.  My goal is to use and reference the knowledge that I gained to be a resource to fellow athletes.

How would you best describe your coaching style?
With less than 2 years of coaching under my belt, I think I'm still working on my style.  I know that I like meeting people where they're at while also creating a mutual plan for improvement.  I care deeply about athletes seeing the results that they wish to see and having fun doing it.

What do you love most about coaching?
 I enjoyed my previous career as a public health educator.  Now I get to do that but with hands-on physical fitness so I'm back to doing something I've always loved. On the day-to-day, I enjoy celebrating everyday wins! Seeing someone's face light up the first time they kick up to a wall or get their first double-under, is gold! But beyond the "firsts" and P.R.s, I like being able to offer a break from everyday stress with an awesome WOD and good energy from a group class. 

Tell us something interesting about yourself!
I homeschooled my kids for many years, graduating my daughter from high school (homemade diploma!) and schooling my son until the 8th grade.  So I still have a working knowledge of quadratic equations, love to parse sentences, and can recite the preamble of the U.S. Constitution from memory!

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